Portal customization

Portal customization allows you to customize an organization's Marketplace Portal.

Note This section is not available to the provider organization.

To customize the Marketplace Portal

  1. In the organization's navigation frame, select Portal Customization.
  2. Provide or update the following information for portal customization:

    Application Labeling
    Item Description
    Application Name Type a name that displays on the login screen and header of your organization's Marketplace Portal.
    Portal Welcome Message Type a welcome message that displays below the Application Name when a user logs into your organization's Marketplace Portal.
    Copyright Statement Type a copyright statement that displays on the login page below the Log In button of your organization's Marketplace Portal.
    External Organization Links
    Item Description
    Privacy Statement Link

    Type the link to your organization's privacy statement that appears on the login page below the copyright statement.

    Show Privacy Statement on Marketplace Portal

    Check the box to display the privacy statement link on the login page of your organization's Marketplace Portal.

    Terms and Conditions Link Type the link to your organization's terms and conditions statement that appears when a subscriber is ordering a service.
    Show Terms and Conditions on Marketplace Portal

    Check the box to display the terms and conditions link when a subscriber is ordering a service.

    Application Enhancements
    Item Description
    Featured Category Select a featured category to use when displaying service offerings in the Marketplace Portal. Service offerings in this category will display in the Featured Services tile of the Marketplace Portal.
    Subscription End Date Options
    • Allow Recurring Subscriptions - Check the box to allow recurring subscriptions.
    • Allow Term Subscriptions - Check the box to enable the Organization to have subscriptions with a maximum Term period.

      • Renewable until end of a Max-Term Subscription period – This option allows to renew a subscription till specified Max-Term Subscription Period (months).
        The Max-Term Subscription period (months) – Select the maximum number of months (between 1 and 12) allowed for renewable term subscriptions. When subscribers request a term subscription, they will not be able to specify an end date that is more than this number of months past the start date. For example, if the subscriber selects a requested start date of 15 June 2017, and Max-Term Subscription Period (months) is set at its default value of 12, the requested end date cannot be later than 14 June 2018. This setting has no impact on recurring subscriptions.
      • Renewable perpetually with a Maximum Renewal Period - This option allows the user to perpetually renew a particular subscription while restricting each renewal to a specific time period (end date of the subscription + Maximum Renewal Period (months))
    • Max Renewal Period (months) - Select the maximum number of months (between 1 and 12) allowed for a perpetually renewable term subscription for each renewal. When subscribers request a perpetually renewable term subscription, they will not be able to specify an end date that is more than this number of months past the start date. For example, if the subscription was created on Jan 1, 2017 and the end date was specified as May 31, 2017. After renewal, during modify, the max date that the subscriber can choose will be May 31, 2018
    History Details

    Select the Show Verbose Errors box to display the status of the actions executed during the lifecycle of a service.

    Item Description

    Select a theme or type the name of a customized theme for your organization's Marketplace Portal. Themes define colors, fonts and the general look-and-feel of the Marketplace Portal. The following themes are shipped out-of-the-box:

    • Simplified
    • Enterprise
    • Playful
    • Custom - Select Custom, and type a custom theme name in the text box. This name must match the name used to create the custom theme outlined in the guidelines for creating a custom theme. See the "Custom Themes" section in the Customizing the Marketplace Portal guide for specific information about configuring a custom theme.
    Security Settings
    Item Description
    Security Classification

    Select from the following security banner options:

    • No Banner - no banner displays in the Marketplace Portal.
    • Unclassified - The banner is light green and contains no content.
    • Unclassified FOUO - For official use only. The banner is light green and displays the text "FOUO."
    • Unclassified NOFORN - Not releasable to foreign nationals. The banner is light green and displays the text "NOFORN."
    • Confidential - The banner is light blue and displays the text "CONFIDENTIAL."
    • Confidential FOUO - The banner is light blue and displays the text "CONFIDENTIAL-FOUO."
    • Confidential NOFORN - The banner is light blue and displays the text "CONFIDENTIAL-NOFORN."
    • Secret - The banner is red and displays the text "SECRET.
    • Top Secret - The banner is orange and displays the text "TOP SECRET."
    Disclaimer Type text for the disclaimer for your organization’s Marketplace Portal. The disclaimer appears on the login page of the Marketplace Portal.
  3. Click Save.