Use > Service Offerings > Documents Tab

Sections Tab

In the sections tab, you can attach documents of any type to the selected offering, such as service level agreements or terms and conditions. File size per document cannot exceed 15 MB and the total size of all documents attached cannot exceed 100 MB.


After a document is added, you have the following options:

  • Visibility - Click the eye icon if you want this document visible to users in the Marketplace Portal.
  • Delete - Click the trashcan icon to delete the document.
  • Edit Document Name - Click the pencil to edit the name of the document. The caption defaults to the associated document name but can be edited, including removing the file extension.

Best practices

  • You can add multiple documents at one time by dragging and dropping into the Documents area or by selecting multiple files after clicking Add Document.
  • You can rearrange the order of multiple documents by dragging and dropping.
  • Click Reset to revert back to any unsaved edits (such as a file name change) or to completely reset the form and clear out all unsaved documents.