Get started > Reports > Report properties

Report properties

The Report properties pane, located on the right, defines the properties of the selected report. Data in reports can be filtered and grouped by the attributes of the record on which the report is based.

The following tabs are available both for defining a new report in the New report dialog box and for editing an existing report in the Report properties pane.

Note Locked reports (indicated by a lock icon in the Report properties pane) cannot be edited. Out-of-the-box reports are locked, but analytic out-of-the-box reports can be activated or deactivated.

General tab

Field Description
Report name 

Type a word or phrase that is a unique identifier for this report. It should be a value that makes it easy to understand the purpose of the report.

Example: All employees by start date.

Note Report name is the field used for matching a search value, not the Display label field.

Display label Enter the report title as it will appear in the report.
Record type

Select a record type on which to base the data in this report. The Filter by and Group by fields are determined by the type of record selected.


  • You can create a report based on any record type, but you must have View permission for the selected record type to view the report data.
  • For analytic reports, the report you create is based on all records of the selected record type that match your assigned data domains.

In Survey reports, this field is called Survey. Select a survey from the drop-down list.

Filter by

You can select to filter your report data by the properties of the selected record type. Not all properties of every record are available for selection.

Select a property from the drop-down list and enter or select a value for the filter. For example, for incidents, select the Location property and select the required locations from the drop-down list. Only incidents with one of the specified locations are included in the report data.

In an analytic report, if you select to filter by a date field, you can select a specific range or date for which to display data. You can select specified ranges in the past (for example: Past week, to display data from the past seven days, Today, Yesterday, Past month, and Past year) or in the future (for example: Tomorrow and Next week). You can also select a calendar date or date range (from date to date) for which to display data.

If the selected filter field is a record type, you can click By <record type> fields to select a field of the related record for the filter. You can select a maximum of three different related records for filtering by a related record field. (You can select more than three filters by related record field for the same related record.)

In an analytic report, if one of the related record filters is of type Incident, Request, or Service Level Target, no other related record filter of those types can be selected.

For more information about filtering, see Filters.


  • In analytic reports, when filtering by a field of type person, there is no option to filter by Me as a substitute for the user's name.
  • Do not select encrypted fields for the filter.
Group by

Group your report by the available properties of the selected record type. Click Add group and select a field from the drop-down list. Not all properties of every record are available for selection. You can select multiple groupings for the report.

The grouping selections are reflected in the report as follows:

  • Grid report. Each grouping selection appears as a column in the grid report. The rows of the report reflect the combinations of the different groupings. The grid report can display up to 800 rows of data.
  • Chart report. For a report with one grouping selection, each grouping appears as a pie slice or chart column or bar or line. For a report with two grouping selections, each grouping appears as a bar or column or line subsection.

If the selected grouping field is itself a record type, you can click +Related to select a field of the related record for the grouping. You can select a maximum of three different related records for groupings by a related record field. (You can select more than three groupings by related record field for the same related record.)

In an analytic report, when you select a grouping by a time field, you must select a property of the time field (by Days, by Weeks, by Months, by Hours, or by Years). The grouping values are calculated using UTC.

In an analytic report, if one of the related record groupings is of type Incident, Request, or Service Level Target, no other related record grouping of those types can be selected.


  • You cannot group by time field properties in operational reports, but rather by the time field itself.
  • In analytic reports, you can group by a time field of the original record, but not by a time field of a related record.
  • In operational and analytic reports, you must select at least one grouping.
  • Groupings are not available for operational raw data reports.
  • Do not select encrypted fields for the groupings.

Click Add function and select a function from the drop-down list. You can add multiple functions to the report.

In a grid report, each function appears as a column in the grid.

In a chart report, the functions you add appear in the drop-down list for the Chart function field in the Chart tab.

For more information on the available functions, see Report guidelines.


  • In operational and analytic reports, you must select at least one function.
  • Functions are not available for operational raw data reports.
  • For functions on calculated fields of type duration in analytic reports, the result is displayed in seconds.

Display results

Select the sorting and display options for your report:

  • For Sort by and then by, select the primary and secondary sort criteria from the drop-down list. The list displays the selected groups and functions and the available columns. The primary sort (Sort by) is required. The secondary sort (and then by) is optional.
  • Select the Display leading results only check box to display only the leading groups after sorting. This option is available only when a single grouping option that is not a time field was selected for the report.

    • Number of groups to display. Select the number of groups to display from the drop-down list.

    • Include other results as additional group. Select this check box to include an aggregation of all the remaining groups as an additional group (Other).

      Note This option is available only when:

      • the selected number of groups to display is less than 800.
      • the selected primary sort criteria is a Count or Percent function.
      • the selected primary sort criteria is the function selected in the Chart function field in the Chart tab.

The Columns section displays the additional columns of the grid report. The columns are defined according to the following rules:

  • Every Group by option selected which is a record type is displayed. Click in the box to select fields of that record type to be displayed as additional columns.
  • If no Group by options are selected, you can select fields of the report record type to be displayed as additional columns. This option is only available for operational reports and includes a grid report only.
Enable chart view

Select this option to enable the Chart tab of the Report properties pane, where you define the chart view of the report.

Note The check box is disabled if more than two grouping options were selected or if no function or grouping option was selected.

Add to dashboard

Select this option to view this report as a widget in your dashboard. For more information, see Dashboard.


Click to view a preview of the report before saving it.

Note For analytic reports, the preview reflects the selected grouping but is not based on actual data.

Chart tab

Note This tab is not available for operational raw data reports.

Field Description
Chart function

Select a function from the drop-down list. The list includes the available functions you selected in the General tab.

If you do not select a function, the first function in the list is used by default.

Note You can select only one function for a chart.

Chart type

Select the chart type:

  • If one Group by option was defined in the General tab, the available chart types are:

    • Pie

    • Bar

    • Column

    • Line

      This chart type is only available for analytic reports. The selected Group by option must be a time data field. For example, Closed time.

  • If two Group by options were defined in the General tab, the available chart types are:

    • Grouped bar

    • Grouped column

    • Stacked bar

    • Stacked column

    • Grouped line

      This chart type is only available for analytic reports. All of the fields selected for the Group by option must be time data fields.

  • If three or more Group by options were defined in the General tab, or if no Group by option and no function was defined, the report cannot be displayed as a chart (the Chart tab is disabled).


  • If you do not select a chart type, the first option in each category is used by default. For a report with one Group by option, a pie chart is the default type. For a report with two Group by options, the Grouped bar chart is the default type.
  • A bar/column/line chart is limited to 40 bars/columns/points of data and a pie chart is limited to 40 slices. If the report data exceeds this limit, the chart report cannot be viewed.
  • The number of distinct subgroups in a stacked bar or column or line chart (reflected in the chart legend) is limited to 20. If the report data exceeds this limit, the chart report cannot be viewed.
  • If you selected Percent per group as the function, only the Stacked bar and Stacked column charts are available.
X-axis label

Enter the caption for the X-axis of the chart. If you do not enter a caption for the X-axis, the name of the first Group by selection is used for a column chart and the name of the function for a bar chart.

Note This is not relevant when a pie chart is selected.

Y-axis label

Enter the caption for the Y-axis of the chart. If you do not enter a caption for the Y-axis, the name of the function is used for a column chart and the name of the first Group by selection for a bar chart.

Note This is not relevant when a pie chart is selected.

Details tab

Field Description
Created on The creation time of the report.
Created by The user who created the report.
Last edited on The time the report was last edited.
Last edited by The user who last edited the report.
Calculated every

The frequency of report recalculation. Select a value from the drop-down list.


  • This option is only relevant in analytic reports.
  • The calculation frequency affects the quota usage. You can reduce the frequency to reduce your quota usage.
  • For non-admin users, the recalculation frequency is limited to once a day or a lower frequency (a calculation period of one day or longer).

Select Public to make your report available to other users on this tenant.

Select Private if the report is for your use only.

Note This option is only available for Admin users.

Description Enter a description for the report. It is helpful for other users to understand the purpose and objectives of this report. The description is displayed in the report properties in the right pane of the Reports page when that report is displayed.
Row limit

The number of rows displayed in an operational report when no grouping option or function is selected. Select a value from the drop-down list.

For more information on reports with no grouping options or functions, see Report guidelines.

Note This option is only relevant in operational and operational raw data reports.

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