
The Identification output is a JSON string with the following collections of CIs. The format is as shown in Example of configuration item (CI) type input:

CIs Description


CIs for which the service found more than one matching CI in Service Management.

Example: an incoming device whose name + domainName combination exists twice in Service Management.

Note: in this collection the JSON format differs slightly, as it also includes the ID for all the matching CIs found in Service Management.

Example: the following JSON format shows one incoming device that matches four devices in Service Management:



CIs the service has identified for which no matching CI was found in Service Management.


CIs the service has identified for which exactly one matching CI was found in Service Management, and the matching CI has at least one property value which is different.

Note: the service returns these CIs in merged form. See Merged CIs.

unchangedEntities CIs the service has identified for which exactly one matching CI was found in Service Management, and the matching CI has identical property values.


CIs the service has been unable to identify as existing in Service Management due to insufficient information.

Merged CIs

The service creates merged CIs in the entitiesToUpdate collection. The service merges CIs as follows:

Matched CIs Merge action
Has no matching CIs The service takes the id from the Service Management CI, and all other properties from the incoming CI.
Has at least one matching CI with the Keep property set to true If a Keep property of a component CI is set to true, the service maintains it, regardless, but allows augmentation of the component CI with additional properties from the incoming CI.
Has matching CIs none of which have the Keep property set to true If no Keep property of a component CI is set to true, the service uses them to augment matching component CIs in the incoming CI. If there are no matching component CIs in the incoming entity, the service deletes the Service Management component CIs.

Component CIs

The following table lists component CIs with the property which the service uses for matching.

Component CI Property to match
Cpu CpuId
IpAddress IpValue
FileSystem FsMountPoint
DiskDevice DiskName

NetworkCardName or MacAddress

Note: one match is sufficient.


ProductName or DiscoveredProductName

Note: one match is sufficient.

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