Use > Run > Financial Management > Account Codes > Create an account code record

How to create an account code record

  1. From the main menu, select Run > Financials > Account codes. The Account Codes page is displayed.

  2. Click New icon New.

  3. In the New Account code dialog box, provide all requested information. This dialog box requests values for the basic attributes.

    Field Description


    External (common) name of the account code.

    Account type

    Account type of the account code.


    Entry for the account code.


    Corresponding level of the account code in your general ledger system.


    The person who owns the account code.


    Parent account code of the current account code.

    Account code

    Internal code used for accounting.


    Internal code for the account code.

  4. Click Save.

    Alternatively, you can click Save & add another to add another account code record, or click Save & Edit to continue editing the current account code record.

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