Administer > Administer the ITOM Platform > Security > Network and Communication

Network and Communication

This section provides information on network and communication security.

Secure Topology

The Suite Management Portal platform is designed to be part of a secure architecture, and can meet the challenge of dealing with the security threats to which it could potentially be exposed.

Several measures are recommended to securely deploy Suite Management Portal:

  • Use of the TLS/SSL communication protocol

Replace the Certificate of Ingress Service with a Customized Certificate

Users can replace the certificate and private key of Ingress Service with a customized certificate and private key. Follow the steps below:

  1. Generate a certificate and private key for the host name, of which host the Ingress Service is running on. And put it somewhere on the master node.
  2. on master node, delete a secret with command:
  3. kubectl delete secret nginx-default-secret -n core

  4. on master node, recreate the secret with a new certificate and private key

    echo "

    apiVersion: v1

    kind: Secret


    name: nginx-default-secret

    namespace: core


    tls.crt: `base64 <certificate file name with absolute path> |tr -d \"\n\"`

    tls.key: `base64 <private key file name with absolute path> |tr -d \"\n\"`

    " | kubectl create -f -

  5. on master node, delete and recreate the ingress service
  6. kubectl delete -f ${K8S_HOME}/objectdefs/nginx-ingress.yaml

    kubectl create -f ${K8S_HOME}/objectdefs/nginx-ingress.yaml



Are exceptions required to be added to the firewall policy?


Browsers access HPE Suite Management Portal platform via HTTPS ports (TCP/5443). End users need to add it to the firewall exception policy.