System requirements

This section lists the hardware requirements and the supported operating systems for the Smart Analytics servers.

Hardware requirements

Quick installation

  • 64 GB RAM (8 GB minimum)
  • 8 Core (a minimum of 4 dedicated CPU - XEON 3 GHz or above)
  • 500 GB disk

Advanced installation

About hardware requirements for typical install scenarios, please see table below.

Installation template Hardware requirements
Basic for Smart Analytics
  • 64 GB RAM (8 GB minimum)
  • 8 Core (a minimum of 4 dedicated CPU - XEON 3 GHz or above)
  • 500 GB disk
All in one
  • 64 GB RAM (8 GB minimum)
  • 8 Core (a minimum of 4 dedicated CPU - XEON 3 GHz or above)
  • 700 GB disk
Basic for Service Portal
  • 64 GB RAM (8 GB minimum)
  • 8 Core (a minimum of 4 dedicated CPU - XEON 3 GHz or above)
  • 600 GB disk
Distributed IDOL content server
  • 4 GB RAM
  • A minimum of 2 dedicated CPU - XEON 3 GHz or above
  • 100 GB disk
Distributed image server
  • 4 GB RAM
  • A minimum of 2 dedicated CPU - XEON 3 GHz or above
  • 100 GB disk
Customized scenarios

For the Smart Analytics proxy server (including DIH, DAH, community, category, agentstore, view, and one second-level DIH and DAH), one Hot Topic Analytics content, and two sets of Smart Search content:

  • 64 GB RAM (8 GB minimum)
  • 8 Core (a minimum of 4 dedicated CPU - XEON 3 GHz or above)
  • 500 GB disk

For each content or image server:

  • 4 GB RAM
  • A minimum of 2 dedicated CPU - XEON 3 GHz or above
  • 100 GB disk

For each connector and CES and OMNI Group server:

  • 2 GB RAM
  • CPU - XEON 3 GHz or above
  • 20 GB disk

Note For more information, see the Service Manager Deployment Sizing Guide, which is available on HPE Software Support Online ( as a white paper.

Supported operating systems

For the information about supported operating systems, see Service Manager 9.50 Support Matrix.