Upgrade > Upgrade the platform components > Upgrade the Service Manager Server

Upgrade the Service Manager Server

Note This procedure only upgrades the Service Manager Server. For information about upgrading your Service Manager applications and data from previous versions, see Upgrade the applications.

To upgrade the Service Manager Server, follow these steps:

  1. Before you install the Service Manager server, make a backup of your existing server installation folder. For example, C:\Program Files\HPE\Service Manager 9.40\Server.

    Note If you have a horizontally scaled system, be sure to back up the server installation folder for each server instance.

  2. Install the new version of the Service Manager Server. For detailed steps, see Install the Service Manager Server.

  3. Restore your old Service Manager server configuration files in the Server's RUN folder, including the sm.ini and sm.cfg files.
  4. Perform additional configuration for the server upgrade.

    1. Stop the Service Manager Server service if necessary.
    2. Open the initialization (sm.ini) file with a text editor.
    3. Review the following list of deleted parameters. Compare this list with the parameters in sm.ini and delete any parameters from this list that exist in your sm.ini file:
      • alterlog: Alert log entries are now placed in the sm.log file.
      • apiserver: Client listener processes now connect through dedicated HTTP and HTTPS ports.
      • clustername: You can set up a failover configuration by starting a second load balancer process on a separate system.
      • cstrace
      • debugdtevents
      • debugdtrecords
      • debugdttrace
      • debugdtworld
      • debuglog
      • debugrpc
      • debugtransport
      • immediateshadow: Use your RDBMS utilities for reporting or data backup.
      • keepalive
      • odbccharacterarray
      • scdebug: Contact customer support if you need to debug customized RAD applications from previous versions.
      • servletcontainer: You no longer need this parameter to start client listener processes.
      • sqldetect: The database dictionary automatically detects changes to RDBMS tables and columns.
      • sqlidentify
      • sqllogintime
      • sqlmodcount: The database dictionary automatically detects changes to RDBMS tables and columns.
      • validateodbcfieldnames
    4. If necessary, make the required changes for each of the following parameters:

      Old name New name Required change
      autopass_dir licensefile The default path to the license file is now in the server’s RUN directory. If you want to retain your previous license file path, you must specify it with the new licensefile parameter.
      cacertpem truststoreFile Move your CA certificate from a PEM file to a Java keystore and provide the path to this keystore with the truststoreFile parameter.
      certpem keystoreFile Move your server certificate from a PREM file to a Java keystore and provide the path to this keystore with the keystoreFile parameter.
      dhpem keystoreFile This parameter is obsolete. You can set DH encryption properties when you create your Java keystore.
      pkpem keystoreFile Move your server private key from a PEM file to a Java keystore and provide the path to this keystore with the keystoreFile parameter.
      pkpempass keystorePass Move your server private key from a PEM file to a Java keystore and provide the password to this keystore with the keystorePass parameter.
      sccluster group Use the new parameter to shut down your virtual group.
      scclusterbindaddress groupbindaddress Use this parameter to specify which IP Service Manager should bind to when your system has multiple IP addresses available from multiple network interfaces.
      scclustermcastaddress groupmcastaddress Use this parameter to define your horizontally scaled system.
      scclustername groupname Use the new parameter to define your server group name.
      scclusterport groupport Use the new parameter to define your server group port.
      scemail emailout Use the new parameter to process outbound e-mail from Service Manager.
      schost host Use the new parameter to shut down or standby your system
      sctimeramount heartbeatinterval Use the new parameter to keep client connections open.
      soapaccepttimeout sessiontimeout Web services client connections now use the client time out limits.
      soapreceivetimeout sessiontimeout Web services client connections now use the client time out limits.
      ssl_trustedClientspem trustedclientsJKS Move your list of trusted clients from a PEM file to a Java keystore and provide the path to this keystore with the trustedclientJKS parameter.
      timeoutlimit sessiontimeout Use the new parameter to set your client’s session time out.
    5. Save and close the sm.ini file.
  5. If you have configured SSL or single sign-on, you must copy the following files from the previous installation folder to the new installation folder (your own keystore file names may differ):

    • <SM_install>\Server\RUN\cacerts
    • <SM_install>\Server\RUN\server.keystore
    • <SM_install>\Server\RUN\trustedclients.keystore
  6. Restart the Service Manager Server.