Add a configuration

A configuration is the description of one or more new sections with custom fields that appears in a Service Request Catalog checkout panel. Use the examples to create a sample configuration of your own.

To complete any of the Service Manager tailoring tasks, start with these basic steps.

  1. Start a Service Manager Windows client session. Make sure the Service Manager Windows client connects to a Service Manager 9.51 server. The client can be an earlier version, but the server must be a 9.51 server.
  2. Expand the left Navigation pane.
  3. Click Tailoring > SRC Tailoring > Checkout Panel. Service Manager displays an SRC Configuration wizard. The first page of the wizard lists existing configurations. There can be a maximum of three configurations that add new sections with custom fields to the Support catalog, Services catalog, or Support checkout panel.

To add a configuration, follow these steps:

  1. From the Service Request Catalog Configuration Wizard home page, click Add a Configuration.
  2. Create a Name for the new configuration.

    Example: Type Support Custom Fields.

  3. Click the drop-down list to specify which checkout panel will display the new custom fields. Choose Service Catalog, Support Catalog, or General Support.

    Example: Select Support Catalog.

    Note A General Support request is a request for an item or service that is not listed in the regular Service Catalog or Support Catalog.

  4. If your HPE Service Manager instance is in multi-company mode, choose a specific Company from the drop-down list.
  5. Click Next.
  6. You can choose an existing label for a new section, or you can create a new one. Click Select a label or Add a label.

    Example: Click Add a label and type CONTACT NUMBERS for the name of the new label.

  7. You can choose an existing label for a new field, or you can create a new one. Click Select a label or Add a label.

    Example: Click Add a label and type FAX for the name of the new label.

  8. Click Next.
  9. Click the Field Name drop-down to choose the field that you want to populate with new information.

    Example: Choose Faxfrom the drop-down list.

    Note If you select a lookup table in step 16, then you must use the lookup field name here.

  10. In the Modifiability field, you can set the field permission to enable the user to do one of the following:
    • Create-only changes the field only when submitting a new request. It cannot be updated if the request is resubmitted.
    • Read-only displays data that is never changed during the initial submission or during resubmission.
    • Create and Update changes the field when submitting a new request and updating a request if the request is resubmitted.
    • Example: Select create-only from the drop-down list.

  11. In the Display Type drop-down list, select the type of field that you want to appear in the Service Request Catalog checkout panel. Choose a display that is consistent with the type of data that you want to gather. For example, if you want the user to provide information, choose Text. If you want the user to choose from a pre-defined list, choose Pick List.

    Example: Choose the Text option.

  12. Click Next.
  13. In the Lookup Table field, select the table that contains the field to be populated with (or display) new information.

    Example: Leave this blank if you want to create a plain text field.

    Note If you use a lookup table here, then you must use the lookup field name in step 12.

  14. Select the Mandatory option if the user must provide this information. If the information is optional, skip this step.

    Example: Select the Mandatory option.

    Note If you specified the field permissions in step 13 as Read-only, Mandatory will not be an available option.

  15. Select the Default Value option if you want to specify a default value for the user. To set variables as the default values, select the Is Expression option. For detailed information, see Setting variables as the default values for custom fields.

    Note If you set the Lookup Table and Lookup Field Name, make sure that the result of the expression can match a record in the lookup field. Otherwise, the default value is not set correctly.

    Example: Type None as the default value (in case the user has no fax number).

  16. Click Next.
  17. The Wizard displays the custom field that you created. You can click Add New Custom Field to add another.

    Example: Click Add New Custom Field.

  18. Repeat step 10 through step 19 to add another custom field.

    Example: Create one more custom field for a Phone Number using the contacts table and Alternate Phones field.

  19. When you have more than one custom field, you can:
    • Change the order of appearance by selecting a field and then clicking Move Field Up or Move Field Down.
    • Select a field and then click Edit Custom Field to make changes.
    • Click Remove Custom Field to delete that field.
  20. When you are satisfied with the result, click Finish.