Using ranges in queries

A range is defined by using a combination of less than (<) and greater than (>) relational operators between theand logical operator or theor logical operator.

To query of a range of data, use the Query Window.

Operator Usage Examples
>value and <value field_name > lesser_value and field_name < greater_value
For example, open.time>'09/15/2008' and open.time<'09/27/2008'

The and logical operator is not case-sensitive.

You can use (&) as a shortcut for the and logical operator.

<value or >value field_name < lesser_value or field_name > greater_value
For example, open.time<'09/15/2008' or open.time>'09/27/2008'

The or logical operator is not case-sensitive.

You can use (|) as a shortcut for the or logical operator.