Install > Install the Service Manager Help Center > Install the Service Manager online help on a web server

Install the Service Manager online help on a web server

Service Manager9.51 provides two sets of online help:

  • This version if intended for customers who are running Service Manager Codeless, in which all business modules (Service Desk, Incident Management, and so on) are implemented on Process Designer.
  • This version is intended for customers who are running Service Manager Hybrid.

To install the online help, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the system on which you want to install help as a user with local administrator privileges.
  2. Extract the online help into your web server's document root. For example, to install the online help on an Apache web server on a Windows system, extract the online help into the folder C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs.
  3. Configure a virtual directory and set any access permissions you want for the online help (optional). For example, an Apache web server does not require any virtual directory configuration if you want to use the default folder sm_help_codeless.
  4. Start your web server.

Next, you need to set up access to the online help from the Windows client and web client to test the help installation.