Install a single instance of Service Manager Service Portal

Service Manager Service Portal supports two installation modes: online installation and offline installation. That is, you can install it on a Red Hat Linux system with or without Internet access.

The difference between an online installation and an offline installation is that the former requires the downloading of certain dependency packages from the Red Hat Customer Portal during the installation, and the latter installs the dependency packages from a local yum repository that you need to create manually.

Tip To learn more about the installation process, see Understand the installation process.

Online installation

To install Service Manager Service Portal on a Red Hat Linux system that has Internet access, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Red Hat system as the root user.
  2. Register your Red Hat Linux system to the Red Hat Subscription service.

    1. Set a proxy if necessary:

      # export http_proxy=http://<proxy_hostname>:<proxy_port>
      # export https_proxy=http://<proxy_hostname>:<proxy_port>
    1. Run the following command followed by the credentials used to log in to Red Hat Customer Portal:

      # subscription-manager register
    2. Run the following command:

      # subscription-manager attach --auto

    Tip You are strongly recommended to not enable keepcache in the /etc/yum.conf file.

  3. Create the Service Manager Service Portal directory structure:

    # mkdir /opt/hp
    # cd /opt/hp
  4. Download the archive file containing the installers and Ansible playbooks ( to the /opt/hp directory on the Red Hat system.
  5. Unpack the archive file:

    # unzip
  6. Change to the installation directory:

    # cd propel-complete-installer
  7. Run the installation script:

    With proxy:

    # ./ --proxy http://<web proxy host FQDN>:<port>

    Without proxy:

    # ./

    When prompted, enter the password of the root user.

    When the installation is successfully complete, the following messages are displayed:

    Propel installation completed!

Important Next, run the Ansible playbooks to finalize the installation. See Finalize the installation.

Offline installation

Important Before you can install Service Manager Service Portal on an RHEL system without Internet access, you need to download the Service Manager Service Portal (SMSP) installation package first using a machine that has Internet access.


Prepare two Red Hat Linux systems: one has Internet access and will be used as a local repository server (referred to as "the online host"); the other has no Internet access and will be used to install Service Manager Service Portal (referred to as "the offline host").

To avoid unexpected errors during installation, you are strongly recommended to do the following:

  • Make sure the offline host is a clean Red Had Linux system.
  • Make sure the offline host meets the minimum system requirements (see Meet the system requirements), and the online host has at least 4 GB of RAM and 4 GB of free space for the local cache.

The offline installation procedure consists of the following steps.

Step 1: Download SMSP dependencies on the online host

  1. Log in as the root user to the Red Hat Linux machine that has Internet access.
  2. Register your Red Hat Linux system to the Red Hat Subscription service.

    1. Set a proxy if necessary:

      # export http_proxy=http://<proxy_hostname>:<proxy_port>
      # export https_proxy=http://<proxy_hostname>:<proxy_port>
    1. Run the following command followed by the credentials used to log in to Red Hat Customer Portal:

      # subscription-manager register
    2. Run the following command:

      # subscription-manager attach --auto
  3. Update the yum.conf file and clean up the yum cache:

    # vi /etc/yum.conf

    Note Changing from the default cache directory is optional. However, you must make sure your cache directory has at least 4GB of free space.

    # yum clean all  
  4. Prepare the folder structure:

    # mkdir /opt/hp
    # cd /opt/hp/
  5. Download the archive ( containing the installers and Ansible playbooks to the machine.

  6. Unpack the archive:

    # unzip
  7. Change to the installation directory:

    # cd propel-complete-installer
  8. Run the installation script:

    With proxy:

    # ./ --proxy http://<web proxy host>:<port> --no-install-propel

    Without proxy:

    # ./ --no-install-propel

    When prompted, enter the password of the root user.

  9. Download two more rpm packages:

    # wget -P <your_own_yum_cache_directory> 
    # wget -P <your_own_yum_cache_directory> 

    Note All rpm packages located in your own yum cache directory (which is defined in the /etc/yum.conf file) are needed for the Service Manager Service Portal installation.

Step 2: Create a local or LAN yum repository for the offline host

You need to create an offline repository for the offline server.

There are two ways to do this:

  • Run a machine as a LAN yum repository server and add this repository to the offline server (that is, the RHEL host without Internet access).

    The following are example steps to add and enable an LAN yum repository:

    # yum repolist all
    # yum-config-manager --add-repo http://<Repo_IP>/downloads/RHEL70/media.repo
    # yum repolist all
    repo id repo name status
    MediaRepo MediaRepo disabled
    # yum-config-manager --enable InstallMedia

    Note This step might not enable the repo, and thus the next step is to manually edit the repo file.

    # vi /etc/yum.repos.d/media.repo
    name=Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2
    # yum repolist all
    repo id repo name status
    MediaRepo MediaRepo enabled
  • Copy the rpm packages to the offline server and create a local repository for the offline server.

    The following are example steps to add and enable a local yum repository:

    1. Create a directory:

      # mkdir -p /data/mirrors/RHEL/7/os/x86_64/RPMS
    2. Copy all of the rpm packages from the online host to this directory.

    3. Run the following commands:

      # createrepo /data/mirrors/RHEL/7/os/x86_64/
      # cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
      # vi mirrors.repo

      Add the following lines:

      name=RHEL-$releasever - LocalRepo

      Disable other existing repositories by suffixing the repository names with .bak:

      # yum clean all
      # mv local.repo local.repo.bak
      # yum repolist

Step 3: Install Service Manager Service Portal on the offline host

Perform the following steps on the host that has no Internet access.

  1. Prepare the folder structure:

    # mkdir /opt/hp
    # cd /opt/hp/
  2. Copy the archive ( containing the installers and Ansible playbooks to the machine.
  3. Unpack the archive:

    # unzip
  4. Change to the installation directory:

    # cd propel-complete-installer
  5. Run the installation script:

    # ./ --offline

    When the installation is complete, the following message is displayed:

    Propel installation completed!

Important Next, run the Ansible playbooks to finalize the installation. See Finalize the installation.

Finalize the installation

After you have completed the online or offline installation steps, you need to run the Ansible playbooks to finalize the Service Manager Service Portal installation. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Configure LW-SSO:

    Note This step will configure LW-SSO in the following file:


    # cd /opt/hp/propel_complete_installer/ansible_content
    # ansible-playbook -i ansible_targets configure_extras.yml --tags "initLWSSO" --extra-vars '{"lwsso_init_string":"Init string must be replaced for producti0n"}' 

    Replace Init string must be replaced for producti0n with your own LW-SSO initString value, which must match the initString value in the lwssofmconfig.xml file located in the Service Manager Server's RUN directory. Additionally, the initString value must contain both numbers and letters and must be 32 characters in length.

  2. Enable Chat:

    Important Before you proceed, make sure that you have Service Manager Collaboration successfully deployed.

    # ansible-playbook -i ansible_targets configure_extras.yml --tags "enableChat" --extra-vars '{"toggle_chat":"true","chat_url":"https://<ChatUI_url>"}'

    Note You need to replace https://<ChatUI_url> with https://<Apache server host>/chatui, where <Apache server host> is the FQDN of the Apache server that you installed when deploying Service Manager Collaboration. For example:

    Important If using SSL, the Apache server and Service Manager Service Portal must use SSL certificates issued by the same Certificate Authority (CA), and the SSL certificates (or the CA) must be trusted by the user's browser.

  3. Enable Survey:

    # ansible-playbook -i ansible_targets configure_extras.yml --tags "enableSurvey" --extra-vars '{"toggle_survey":"on","service_manager_url":"http(s)://<SM_url>"}'

    Note Replace the "service_manager_url" parameter value with your Service Manager Server web service base URL: For example: For security reasons, https is strongly recommended.

  4. Install the Service Manager Service Portal online help:

    # ansible-playbook -i ansible_targets configure_extras.yml --tags "overrideDoc" --extra-vars '{"doc_mode":"sm"}'
  5. Enable rebranding:

    # ansible-playbook -i ansible_targets configure_extras.yml --tags "enableServices" --extra-vars '{"toggle_services":"off"}' 

Congratulations, you have successfully installed Service Manager Service Portal. You can now log in to Service Manager Service Portal by opening a browser window and entering any of the following URLs for the three Service Manager Service Portal roles:

  • Service Manager Service Portal Administrator: https://<Service Manager Service Portal host FQDN>:9000/org/Provider (Use "admin" as the user and "propel" as the password.)
  • Organization Administrator: https://<Service Manager Service Portal host FQDN>:9000/org/CONSUMER (Use "orgadmin" as the user and "propel" as the password.)

  • Consumer: https://<Service Manager Service Portal host FQDN>:9000/org/CONSUMER (Use "consumer" as the user and "propel" as the password.)

Continue with the following tasks:

  • Installing a permanent license. For details, see Install a permanent license. You can skip this step for a test environment.
  • Setting up LDAP in Service Manager and Service Manager Service Portal. For details, see Configure LDAP.

Tip If you need to uninstall Service Manager Service Portal, see Uninstall Service Manager Service Portal.