How to Install Separate Data Flow Probes for Each Tenant

If you plan to support a multi-tenant configuration, you must install a separate data probe for each tenant. Out-of-the-box, the UCMDB installer only installs one data flow probe and service.

To install additional data flow probes and start them from your operating system command prompt:

  1. Log in to the host of your UCMDB system as an administrator.
  2. Insert the HPE Universal CMDB Setup Windows DVD into the system disc drive.
  3. Start the Data Flow Probe installer (HPUCMDB_DataFlowProbe_x.xx.exe).
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the wizard, but use the following values for each data flow probe you wish to install.
    1. Type a unique path for each installation folder.
    2. Use the same UCMDB application server address for each data flow probe.
    3. Type a valid data flow probe address.
    4. Type a unique name for each data flow probe identifier.
    5. Create a unique customer Data Flow Probe domain for each probe (Clear the Use Default CMDB Domain option).
    6. Use the same probe gateway and probe manager settings for each probe (for example, use combined or separate processes).

    See the HPE Universal CMDB Deployment Guide for complete installation instructions.

  5. Repeat step 3 and step 4 for each data flow probe you wish to install.
  6. Open the probe’s file in a text editor. By default, this file is located in the following folder:

    <UCMDB installation folder>\<data flow probe installation folder>\conf

    For example, C:\hpe\UCMDB\DataFlowProbe\conf.


    The <data flow probe installation folder> must be unique for each tenant.

  7. Edit the following properties in the configuration file.
    Discovery Probe properties set for each tenant
    serverNameVerify the name of the UCMDB server

    Type the customer ID for the tenant this data flow probe supports

    Verify the probe name is unique such as server + tenant ID

    applilog.collectors.domainVerify the domain name of the data flow probe
    appilog.collectors.local.ipVerify the data flow probe gateway name
    appilog.collectors.probe.ipVerify the data flow probe manager name
    appilog.collectors.rmi.portType a unique port for each probe a unique port for each probe
    appilog.collectors.probe.html.portType a unique port for each probe
    appilog.collectors.local.html.portType a unique port for each probe



    Type a unique port for each probe or type 0 to have the system automatically select it
    appilog.collectors.bigBrother.portType a unique port for each probe
  8. Save the configuration file.
  9. Repeat step 6 to step 8 for each tenant’s data flow probe.