How to Schedule Data Push Jobs

It is a best practice to schedule the data push jobs to match the discovery schedule of your Service Manager feeders. For example, if your Service Manager feeders send CI data updates on a daily schedule, the data push jobs should also run on a daily schedule. By using a matching schedule you can ensure that your Service Manager system always has the most current CI data.

UCMDB allows you to schedule updates directly from a data push job. This task includes the following steps:

  1. Log in to UCMDB as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Data Flow Management > Integration Studio. UCMDB displays a list of integration points.
  3. Select the integration point you created for the UCMDB-SM integration. For example, SM Integration.
  4. Click the Data Push tab.
  5. Select a push job. For example, SM Configuration Item Push Job.
  6. Click the Edit Integration Job button .


    UCMDB allows you to define two different schedules for two types of data push: Changes Sync, and All Data Sync. For recommendations on push scheduling, see Push Scheduling Recommendations.

  7. Define a schedule for Changes Sync.
    1. Click the Changes Sync tab.
    2. Select the Scheduler enabled option.
    3. Select the scheduling options you want to use.

  8. Click All Data Sync tab, and select the scheduling options you want to use.
  9. Click OK to save the data push job.
  10. Repeat step 6 to step 9 for the rest of data push jobs of the integration point.
  11. Save the integration point.