Install Service Manager Mobile Applications

The Service Manager Mobile Applications contains a J2EE-compliant web application that runs on your web application server. Each web application server has its own method of deploying web applications. See your web application server documentation for specific instructions on deploying a web application.

Note For the specific versions of the application servers that are currently supported by the Service Manager Mobile Applications client, refer to the Service Manager Support Matrix at HPE Support Matrices.

The following table provides a summary of deployment methods required.

Web application server Deployment method
Apache Tomcat Copy the webapp-9.51.xxxx.war file to the <Tomcat>\webapps folder and start the web application server.
IBM Web Application Server Open the administration console and install the web application from the webapp-9.51.xxxx.war file.

Note If you are working with Service Manager 9.34 or later 9.3x versions and are planning to upgrade both platform and applications to version 9.51, the Mobile Applications will be upgraded to the latest version which supports both power user view and self-service user view.