Set up email notifications to include URL links

The HPE Service Manager System Administrator can set up email notifications to include the mobility URL so that when tickets are assigned, field engineers can receive email notifications and click on the URL links in the emails to go directly to the assigned ticket.

Service Manager Mobile Applications automatically synchronizes users' mobile data with information in the Service Manager database. When an email notification is sent to a field engineer, Service Manager Mobile Applications searches for the record by name and then displays it. If the record is not in the cached database, Service Manager will be queried to fetch the record.

To set up email notifications, follow these steps:

  1. Restart the Service Manager Mobile Applications server.
  2. Log on to the Service Manager server as a System Administrator.
  3. Click System Administration > Base System Configuration > Miscellaneous > System Information Record.
  4. Select the Active Integrations tab.
  5. In the Mobility URL field, type the fully-qualified URL to the Service Manager server from the Mobile Applications client.

    For example: http://<servername>:<portnumber>/<appname>/std/


    servername is the host name or IP address of the Service Manager server.

    portnumber is the port number. For example, 8080.

    appname is the name of the deployed Service Manager Mobile Applications client WAR/EAR file. For example, webapp-9.51.xxxx.war.

    The server stores the value of this field in the $L.mobility.url global variable.

  6. Save your changes.