Publish a table as a Web service

You must have the SysAdmin capability words to use this procedure.

  1. Login to Service Manager as a System Administrator.
  2. Click Tailoring > Database Manager.
  3. In the Table field, type extaccess.
  4. Click Search.
  5. In the Name field, select the name of the Service Manager table or join file you want to publish as a web service.


    Type the name of the table as it is defined in the database dictionary.


    Only valid Service Manager table names appear in the list. This list includes the names of tables that do not physically reside in the database, but are defined in memory at run time based on join definitions and relationship information in joindef and erddef records respectively.

  6. In the Service Name field, type the name of the Web service you want to use to publish this table. You can reuse the same web service name to publish multiple tables, as long the combination of Service Name and Object Name is unique.


    Since this name becomes part of a URL, the name must consist of alphanumeric characters that are valid for URLs. The name cannot consist of URL reserved characters such as spaces, slashes, or colons.


    The name you type in this field becomes the alias name for service and becomes part of the Web service URL. For example, if you type IncidentManagement for the service name, then SOAP applications must include IncidentManagement.wsdl in the URL to access this service.

  7. In the Object Name field, type the name you want to use to identify this table.


    The name is unique and cannot be used by other Web Services definitions.


    The name you type in this field becomes the alias name for the table and becomes part of the Web service WSDL. For example, if you type Incident for the object name, then the SOAP operations for this table include Incident as part of the WSDL element (such as RetrieveIncident, CreateIncident, and ResolveIncident).


    Since this name becomes part of the WSDL, the name must consist of alphanumeric characters valid for XML. The name cannot consist of XML reserved characters such as brackets (< & >), colons (:), or quotation marks (" & ’).

  8. In the Allowed Actions array, select the Service Manager Document Engine display actions you want to globally enable for this table.


    Each table has its own set of display actions allowed as defined in the Service Manager Document Engine. Enabling or disabling the display actions from this field only determines whether the display action is available through the Web Services API. Service Manager still validates the operator credentials supplied with each Web service request to ensure that the operator has sufficient privileges to perform the display action. Click the array field to see a list of allowable display actions for the table you select.


    If a join file is chosen, the allowed actions for the join file come from the primary table of the join.

  9. In the Action Names field, type the name you want to use in the Web Services API to identify the Document Engine display actions for this table.


    The name you type for this field becomes the alias name for the display action and becomes part of the Web service WSDL. For example, if you type Create for the add action of the Incident object, then the WSDL operation becomes CreateIncident and the WSDL messages are CreateIncidentRequest and CreateIncidentResponse.


    Since this name becomes part of the WSDL, the name must consist of alphanumeric characters valid for XML. The name cannot consist of XML reserved characters such as brackets (< & >), colons (:), or quotation marks (" & ’).

  10. If you want to use RESTful API, you need to configure RESTful tab field too. Type the name of Resource Collection and Resource you want to use, and set the Unique Key and default actions.

  11. Click Add.

Users can now access this Service Manager table from a custom or third-party Web Service client and use the actions you have enabled.