Integrations > HPE Product Integrations > HPE Systems Insight Manager (HPE SIM) Integration > Troubleshooting and Limitations – SIM Integration

Troubleshooting and Limitations – SIM Integration

This section describes troubleshooting and limatations for HPE SIM integration.

Note The following limitation only applies when (a) using UCMDB Version 9.00-9.03, and (b) the user manually increased the out-of-the-box value in the pattern execution option maximum threads to greater than 1.

Limitation: If there are multiple HPE SIM servers in the environment and this integration is used to integrate with all of them, you should create a new integration job for each HPE SIM server and schedule them to run separately. This is because the integration uses XML files to process results from HPE SIM, and running the integration against multiple HPE SIM servers simultaneously causes the XML files to be overwritten (because the file name is static).