
The purpose of this package is to enable database auto-discovery using host level credentials in Universal CMDB (UCMDB). In certain cases, a DFM user or administrator does not have detailed information about the database, such as its name or SID, listener port number, and so on. The solution in this package discovers this information with minimal inputs, and enables end-to-end discovery of databases.

DFM extracts database information from various sources, for example, from running process names, Windows service names, the Windows registry, and configuration files, on the database server and build CIs. Discovered Database CIs can be used as triggers for the Database Connection by SQL jobs (for example, the Oracle Database Connection by SQL job), to populate database credentials, thus enabling deep discovery using out-of-the-box database topology discovery jobs.

DFM triggers for jobs in this package are set up so that these jobs are seamlessly included in the UCMDB spiral discovery schedule.

The DB Connections by Shell and DB Connections by WMI jobs in this package use a Shell (NTCMD/SSH/Telnet) or agent (WMI) CI as a trigger, to search for database signatures on a host. These jobs create database CIs with available information, such as instance name or SID and the listener port of the database server. Since database credentials are not used, the username and credentials ID attributes of these CIs are empty.

For more details about these jobs, see: