Use > CMS Modules > Smart Software Analytics > Administration > Understand Data Flow Inside Smart Software Analytics

Understand Data Flow Inside Smart Software Analytics

To leverage SSA in a way to best suit your IT management needs, it is recommended that you understand the structure of SSA data folder and the data flow inside SSA before use.

Structure of SSA Data Folder

Path Description
<SSA installation directory>\ssa-server\ssa\data\report

To save report files. The UI reports are generated based on the data here.

<SSA installation directory>\ssa-server\ssa\data\scanfile

To save the received scan files as backup. The scan file of same name would be overwritten.

<SSA installation directory>\ssa-server\ssa\data\masterSAI

To save all SAI files, including master and custom user SAI files.

<SSA installation directory>\ssa-server\ssa\data\runtime\autoteach

The suggestions given by SSA. The contents contained here can not be used as SAI until users review and commit them to a specific user SAI file.

<SSA installation directory>\ssa-server\ssa\data\runtime\logs

The log information.

<SSA installation directory\ssa-server\ssa\data\runtime\scanFile

The scan files to be processed by SSA.

Note The runtime folders are used to save the temp information generated by SSA.

Data Flow inside SSA

  1. The scan files are uploaded by Data Flow Probe to the <SSA installation directory>\ssa-server\ssa\data\runtime\scanFile folder.
  2. By default, SSA will process the scan files in daily base at 1:00 am. You can customize the processing time by configuring the scheduler.cron parameter in <SSA installation directory>\ssa-server\config\

    scheduler.cron=0 0 1 * * *
    #Example of scheduler.cron
    #"0 0 * * * *" = the top of every hour of every day.
    #"*/10 * * * * *" = every ten seconds.
    #"0 0 8-10 * * *" = 8, 9 and 10 o'clock of every day.
    #"0 0 6,19 * * *" = 6:00 AM and 7:00 PM every day.
    #"0 0/30 8-10 * * *" = 8:00, 8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 10:00 and 10:30 every day.
    #"0 0 9-17 * * MON-FRI" = on the hour nine-to-five weekdays
    #"0 0 0 25 12 ?" = every Christmas Day at midnight
  3. Restart the SSA service.
  4. After SSA finishes processing, the scan files will be copied to <SSA installation directory>\ssa-server\ssa\data\scanFile as backup. Meanwhile, the result will be added to <SSA installation directory>\ssa-server\ssa\data\runtime\autoteach\autoteach.zsai.
  5. If you access the View Teaching Status page for TEACH SERVER on the SSA UI, when you modify auto-taught SAI entries in the TEACH SERVER page, the modifications will be reflected in <SSA installation directory>\ssa-server\ssa\data\runtime\autoteach\autoteach.zsai.
  6. If you commit any data in the View Teaching Status page for TEACH SERVER, the data would be removed from <SSA installation directory>\ssa-server\ssa\data\runtime\autoteach\autoteach.zsai and added to the selected User SAI file.
  7. You can further modify the user SAI files under <SSA installation directory>\ssa-server\ssa\data\masterSAI via the SSA UI.
  8. You can push the SAI files under <SSA installation directory>\ssa\data\masterSAI to UCMDB server via SSA UI.
  9. After a running of the Inventory Discovery by Scanner job on UCMDB side, the newly processed scan file will be sent to SSA for the next auto teach. Signatures that have been confirmed will not be suggested anymore.