About Window

From CMS UI, clicking Help > About opens the About window, which contains two tabs:

  • ABOUT - Provides CMS version, copyright, and third-party notice information.

    You can click to expand the Version section to display more specific component information for CMS UI, UCMDB Server, and Content Pack. The component version information is displayed in the xx.x.xx format, where xx.x is the internal reference number, the last xx is the build number. To collapse the Component Information section, click .

  • LICENSE - Provides license summary and related information.

    • License Status - Is license status compliant, noncompliant, or expiring in a number of days.

      Clicking the link after License Status opens the License Summary Report page. For details, see License Summary Report.

    • Total Units - Provides data about units of licenses consumed and units available, as well as the units consumption rate.
    • Is UCMDB Foundation – Indicates whether you have Foundation license or not.

    • The Managed Data Repository (MDR) usage is displayed according to the Available 3rd Party Integrations you have in UCMDB.
    • OSs managed by CM usage displays the number of OSIs belonging to the results of the managed in CM views.

License Summary Report

The License Summary Report displays the following information:

  • Only Instant-On license is listed even though you have had some licenses installed when you worked with the previous version. The license issued for version 10.33 (and earlier) are not compatible with UCMDB 2018.05 and they are not visible.
  • The Advanced UD license usage is not yet displayed even if there are discovered OSIs in your UCMDB.
  • OSs managed by CM usage displays the number of OSIs belonging to the results of the managed in CM views.
  • The Managed Data Repository (MDR) usage is displayed according to the Available 3rd Party Integrations you have in UCMDB.
  • Total Units usage provides data about units consumed and units available, as well as the units consumption rate.
  • In the Available Licenses section, you can click to select whether you want to display All licenses or licenses of Active or Expired status. You can also click to select columns you want to display. By default all columns are displayed.
  • You can click Export License Consumption Details Report in the upper right corner of the page, then select one of the following options to export the detailed report in Excel format:

    • Unit Consumption Details
    • MDR Consumption Details

    You can open the exported Excel report and review the details, for example, the device name that is identified.

    The table below describes each column in the exported Unit Consumption Details report:

    Column Description
    instance_type Instance type of the resource. Valid values include server, workstation, network, docker, and so on.
    Units Units consumed.
    CI_type CI type attribute value of the resource.
    global_id Global ID attribute value of the resource.
    name Name attribute value of the resource
    node_role Whether the resource is of node type, but not of network or storage device, and what node type the resource is: server or workstation. Value example: [server, virtualized_system] or [virtualized_system] for a server resource; [desktop, virtualized_system] for a workstation resource.
    os_family OS family of the resource: Windows, Linux, MacOS, or others.
    discovered_os_version The discovered OS version of the resource (if applicable).
    create_time Time the record for the resource is created.

    Indcates who created the record of the resource.

    Value example: UCMDBDiscovery: Host Connection by Shell indicates that the record is created by the Universal Discovery Host Connection by Shell job.

    last_modified_time Time the record of the resource was last updated.

    Indicates the discovery job that last updated the record of the resource.

    Value example: UCMDBDiscovery: Host Connection by Shell

    root_iscandidatefordeletion Is the CI candidate for deletion or not. Default: FALSE

    The table below describes each column in the exported MDR Consumption Details report:

    Column Description
    Integration name Name of the integration point.
    Adapter name Name of the adapter used in the integration point.
    Is Free Is the integration available free of charge or not.
    Used MDR license: Number of MDR licenses used.