Use > CMS Modules > Integration Studio > Integration Studio Overview

Integration Studio Overview

Note The Integration Studio module is available for users with the Data Acquisition permission.

Integration Studio is where you manage your UCMDB integration points and connect and share information with external repositories, such as other UCMDB, IT Performance Suite products, or third-party products. Integration with other products is performed over secure communication channels through Data Flow Probes.

Alternatively, if your remotely-managed data repositories are accessible from UCMDB server machine, non-Jython-based integrations can be performed using UCMDB Integration Service, enabling the Data Flow Probe resources to be used for other discovery tasks.

Note UCMDB Integration Service is supported only in standalone UCMDB environments.

Integration points in UCMDB are based on adapters, which are entities that are capable of communicating with external data repositories. A basic set of adapters is provided with UCMDB; however, you can also create additional adapters.

Integration points can be of one of the following types.


Population type integrations copy data from an external data repository into UCMDB, so that UCMDB now controls the data.

You use population integrations in the following scenarios:

  • You need to track changes made by UCMDB at the CI level.

  • A remote repository is not reliable in terms of response time. For example, a network delay prohibits you from setting up run-time federation with the repository.

  • A remote repository does not support federation capabilities (that is, no appropriate adapter exists).

Data Push

Data Push type integrations copy data from UCMDB to an external data repository, so that UCMDB no longer retains control over this data.

You use data push integrations to feed important data from UCMDB into an external system to facilitate your necessary business processes. For example, pushing data discovered by DFM to Micro Focus Service Manager, where tickets may be opened that are connected to the actual CIs in your IT infrastructure.

Integration Reports

You can configure Integration Studio to send you the following reports:

  • Integration Summary Report (contains basic information about all activated integration points and their related jobs)
  • Integration Job Report (contains basic information about the integration jobs and every related query)

For more information about integration reports and how to enable them, see the "Integration Reports" sub-section in the "Use" section of the UCMDB Help.