Welcome to the Universal CMDB Deployment Guide

How to Work with the Interactive Guide

The questions that follow will help you customize the information that will appear in your interactive Deployment Guide.

Carefully read the instructions to the right of each set of selections—this information will guide you as to which selections are mandatory and when.

Tip If your customized document seems to be missing information, this might mean that you have not selected a mandatory selection. You can change your selections after viewing your generated document.

What product set do you want to deploy?

UCMDB with Universal Discovery and UCMDB Configuration Manager
UCMDB with Universal Discovery
UCMDB with UCMDB Configuration Manager
UCMDB only
UCMDB Configuration Manager only
Data Flow Probe (for Universal Discovery) only
Smart Software Analytics

Select a deployment option.


  • If you are installing or upgrading UCMDB, you must select a platform and database below.

  • If you are upgrading UCMDB, and your system has Data Flow Probes defined, select also the relevant Data Flow Probe deployment (Windows/Linux/both). See below.

Do you want to set up Smart Software Analytics?

Set up a Smart Software Analytics Server

Set up a Smart Software Analytics (SSA) server that automatically teaches unrecognized software by intelligently using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning technology.

View or print

You can view your customized document on the screen, or print it.

If you have a PDF print driver installed on your computer, click Print to create PDF documents that are customized according to your selections. PDF print drivers are available from several open source and third-party providers.

Check your selections

The following steps are customized according to your selections. Check that your selections are correct.


If any selections are not correct, click Change.

Smart Software Analytics - Pre-Deployment Considerations

This section covers the pre-deployment requirements that your organization should meet when planning the SSA deployment.


System Requirements

  • Hardware

    Component Requirement
    Operating System 64-bit
    Memory 16G
    Number of Processors 8 or more processors

    Note SSA would consume more resources on the UCMDB server and the Data Flow Probe server. It is strongly recommended to assign adequate hardware resources.

  • Operating System

    Hardware Platform OS Type OS Version and Edition Supported Recommended
    x86-64 Windows Server 2016 Datacenter and Standard, 64-bit (without the Nano Server installation option) Yes Yes
    x86-64 Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard/Datacenter editions, 64-bit Yes  
    x86-64 Windows Server 2012 Standard/Datacenter editions, 64-bit Yes  
    x86-64 Windows Server 2008
    • SP2, Standard/Enterprise editions, 64-bit
    • R2 and R2 SP1, Standard/Enterprise editions, 64-bit
  • Additional Requirement

    • Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable Package


Get Installation Resources

Before deploying Smart Software Analytics, make sure that you have installed and configured the following:

  • UCMDB Server 2018.05
  • CMS UI 2018.05

Also, get the following resources ready:

  • SSA installation package


Security Consideration

To enable SSA to work with UCMDB Browser and UCMDB Server, make sure you deploy SSA service on the same domain as UCMDB Browser's.

For example, if you can visit UCMDB Browser via https://<Browser_hostname>.microfocus.com:8090. Your SSA service should be deployed on https://<SSA_hostname>.microfocus.com as well.

Tip It is recommended that you deploy these two products on the same machine.

Before starting SSA, to make sure that SSA could work with CMS UI and UCMDB Server, configure SSA as follows:

  1. Go to <SSA_HOME>\ssa-server\config\ssa_lwsso_config.xml and then modify the following configuration:

    initString="This string should be replaced"


    • The initstring should be the same as configured in UCMDB's LWSSO configuration. It can be retrieved by using the JMX method retrieveLWSSOConfiguration.
    • A value for the <domain></domain> element is required. Specify here the domain which can be visited by both the SSA service and the CMS UI service.

    In the meantime, the LW-SSO configuration for CMS UI should be modified in the same way. For details about configuring LW-SSO for CMS UI, see Configure LW-SSO"Configure LW-SSO" in the CMS UI Online Help.

  2. Go to <SSA_HOME>\ssa-server\config\config.properties and modify the settings as shown below:

    UCMDB connection configuration:

    ucmdb.domain=FQDN or IP

    CMS UI domain information:

    browser.domain=FQDN Only
  3. (Optional) Change the certificate.

    SSA could work with UCMDB and Data Flow Probe with the out-of-the-box certificate configuration.

    If you want to change the OOTB certificate in the ecosystem, follow the procedure as described below:

    1. When UCMDB's certificate is changed, make sure that you perform the following steps:

      1. Export UCMDB's public certificate.

        1. Open the command prompt and run the command:

          C:\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\bin\jre\bin\keytool.exe -export -alias <keystore alias> -keystore <Keystore file path> -file C:\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\conf\security\server.cert


          • keystore alias is the name given to the keystore.

          • Keystore file path is the full path of the location of the keystore file.

          For example, for the out-of-the-box server.keystore use the following command:

          C:\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\bin\jre\bin\keytool.exe -export -alias hpcert -keystore C:\ucmdb\ucmdbserver\conf\security\server.keystore -file C:\HP\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\conf\security\server.cert
        2. Enter the keystore password.

        3. Verify that the certificate was created in the following directory: C:\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\conf\security\server.cert

      2. Delete the old certificate in SSA server's Truststore by using the following command:

        <SSA_HOME>\jre\bin\keytool -delete -alias "ucmdb server" -keystore <SSA_HOME>\ssa-server\config\interface.truststore -storepass ssapass
      3. Import the new certificate which comes from UCMDB by using the following command:

        <SSA_HOME>\jre\bin\keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore <SSA_HOME>\ssa-server\config\interface.truststore -storepass ssapass -alias "ucmdb server" -file <UCMDB CERT FILE>
    2. When SSA server's certificate is changed, make sure that you perform the following steps:

      1. Generate a new keystore (by using the command below to replace the ssa-server keystore under <SSA_HOME>\ssa-server\config\interface.keystore:

        <SSA_HOME>\jre\bin\keytool -keystore <temp folder>\interface.keystore -genkey -alias interface -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -storepass ssapass -keypass ssapass
      2. Export the public certificate from new keystore of ssa-server:

        <SSA_HOME>\jre\bin\keytool -export -alias interface -keystore <SSA_HOME>\ssa-server\config\interface.keystore -storepass ssapass -file <temp folder>\interface.crt
      3. Import interface.crt to the Data Flow Probe's Truststore.

        1. Open the command prompt and execute the following command:

          C:\UCMDB\DataFlowProbe\bin\jre\bin\keytool.exe -import -v -keystore C:\UCMDB\DataFlowProbe\conf\security\HPProbeTrustStore.jks -file C:\UCMDB\DataFlowProbe\conf\security\interface.crt -alias ssa
        2. Enter the keystore password: logomania

        3. When asked Trust this certificate?, press y and then Enter.

          The following message is displayed:

          Certificate was added to keystore.

    3. When Data Flow Probe's certificate is changed, make sure that you perform the following steps:

      1. Export Data Flow Probe's public certificate.

        1. Open the command prompt and run the command:

          C:\UCMDB\DataFlowProbe\bin\jre\bin\keytool.exe -export -alias <ProbeName> -keystore C:\UCMDB\DataFlowProbe\conf\security\client.keystore -file C:\UCMDB\DataFlowProbe\conf\security\<ProbeName>.cert
        2. When asked, enter the keystore password.

          The following message is displayed:

          Certificate stored in file <C:\UCMDB\DataFlowProbe\conf\security\<ProbeName>.cert>

      2. Replace the certificate in ssa-server using the following command:

        <SSA_HOME>\jre\bin\keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore <SSA_HOME>\ssa-server\config\interface.truststore -storepass ssapass -alias <ProbeName> -file <PROBE CERT FILE>

Smart Software Analytics - Deployment

Before the installation, review the "Pre-deployment Considerations" section above and make sure that you meet all the requirements.


  • It is recommended to create a user with Administrator privileges. SSA must be installed and started by a user with Administrator privileges.
  • SSA supports only Windows platforms.
  • (For upgrade only) It is recommended to uninstall SSA 3.0 before you install SSA 2018.05. If you want to keep your customized configurations made in SSA 3.0, for example, the scheduler.cron parameter, keystore, and truststore, back up those configurations and copy them back to the corresponding folders in SSA 2018.05 after the installation.

Installing SSA server

To install the SSA server, follow these steps:

  1. Extract the ZIP packages for Windows platform.
  2. Check if there is a newer version of master SAI files that have been released. If yes, download the latest master SAI files it and replace the older ones under the <SSA installation directory>\ssa-server\ssa\data\masterSAI folder.
  3. Execute the <SSA installation directory>\install_ssa_service.bat script to register SSA as the Windows service: CMS SSA Server.
  4. Input the store pass for SSA (at least six characters) in the command prompt window:

    Please input new store pass for SSA Keystore and Truststore: ******
    Please repeat new store pass for SSA Keystore and Truststore: ******
    Please input new safe word for your store pass:

    Note If SSA is already installed and you want to change the store pass, run StorePassManager.bat under the ssa-server\bin directory, and then input the original store pass, new store pass, and new safe word.

  5. Execute the <SSA installation directory>\start_ssa_service.bat script to start the service.

Now you can launch and configure SSA from CMS UI.


Post-Installation Setup

To ensure that Smart Software Analytics works in the best condition, it is recommended that you perform the following after installing Smart Software Analytics:


Monitor SSA

To monitor SSA, perform the following in a regular basis:

  • Confirm that the SSA service is running properly.
  • Check the log file for errors. In the log file, every change to the user SAI file and the autoteach.zsai file should be logged.
  • Check the <SSA installation directory>\ssa-server\ssa\data\scanFile folder. By checking the last modified time of each scanfile, you can have a clear understanding of the work done by SSA.

Back up User SAI Files

Always back up user SAI files timely in a regular basis to avoid potential data loss. All user SAI files are saved under the <SSA installation directory>\ssa-server\ssa\data\masterSAI folder.

Tip As the SSA data is saved on the Windows file system, a backup system is used to prevent data loss due to file corruption. Whenever the SAI file is changed, a *.bak file would be saved in the same folder as backup.

Maintain the DK Package

The auto teach results would be more accurate with the latest DK package. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you keep the DK package content on SSA up to date by downloading the latest package, which is released on ITOM Marketplace in a monthly base. Upload the master SAI files contained in the latest package when you finish downloading.

Smart Software Analytics - Enable and Configure SSA

To enable and configure Smart Software Analytics, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Smart Software Analytics module.

    1. Access CMS UI, using the following URL: https://<server_name or IP>:<port>/ucmdb-browser. Provide user name and password if required. Once you are logged in, you are on the CMS UI landing page.

      It is recommended that you access CMS UI using Chrome.

    2. Click the CMS Modules menu icon in the upper left corner to expand the navigation bar, and then select Smart Software Analytics.
  2. On the top right of the Smart Software Analytics, click the SSA CONFIGURATION button. The Settings window is displayed.

  3. Enable and configure SSA settings as described in the following table.

    UI Element Description
    Enable SSA Switch to enable or disable SSA.
    SSA Server Domain

    Type the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of your SSA server here, for example, ssa.microfocus.com. CMS UI automatically checks whether the SSA server can be connected. If not, the following message is displayed: "SSA Server is not available."

    Note For the first time to connect to an SSA server with self-signed certificate, you need to open another web browser window to accept the certificate by visiting the following URL:


    Define the schedule to send scanfile to SSA Select the Data Flow Probe for which you will define the schedule. You can define the schedule for all probes or a specific probe.
    <The frequency drop-down list>

    Define how frequently the selected probe or probes are scheduled to send scan files.


    Define the exact hour when the selected probe or probes are scheduled to send scan files.

    Important Before using SSA, check the Date and Time settings on the machines where SSA server, UCMDB server and CMS UI are deployed. Make sure that these settings are consistent with each other. Otherwise, there might be overtime issues when SSA runs.

    SUBMIT Click this button to submit the SSA schedule configuration to the UCMDB server.

Smart Software Analytics - Troubleshooting SSA

This section includes:


Is My SSA Working

To check if SSA works properly, perform the following:

  1. Check if the SSA service is still running.
  2. Check the log files for errors.
  3. Monitor <SSA installation directory>\ssa-server\ssa\data\runtime\scanFile folder against accumulated files, which indicate that error occurs.
  4. If SSA does not work, restart the SSA service. Then, SSA will reload all SAI files.

    If SSA still fails to work normally after you restart the SSA service, it is possible that some SAI files are corrupted and a reset is needed.


How to Reset SSA

Restarting the SSA service could solve most problems. But if any SAI file is corrupted, you will need to reset SSA.

To reset SSA, follow these steps:

  1. Delete all runtime folders.
  2. Clean <SSA installation directory>\ssa-server\ssa\data\report if you do not need the report information.
  3. Back up the user SAI files and only leave Master SAI files under SSA installation directory\ssa-server\ssa\data\masterSAI.
  4. Restart the SSA service.
  5. Re-import all user SAI files. For details, see "How to Upload SAI Files to Through User Interface" in the CMS UI Online Help.

    Note In addition to uploading the SAI files to SSA server using SSA UI on CMS UI, you can also manually copy back the user SAI files into <SSA installation directory>\ssa-server\ssa\data\masterSAI. But you need to restart the SSA service after doing so.


Overtime Issues Occur When SSA Runs

Check the Date and Time settings on the machines where SSA server, UCMDB server and CMS UI are deployed. Make sure that these settings are consistent with each other. Otherwise, there might be overtime issues when SSA runs.

Smart Software Analytics - Limitations

This version of SSA has the following limitations:

  • Multiple-session is not supported. Only one user has write permission on the SAI data via the SSA UI. Other users only have read rights.
  • As part of the security mechanism, a self-signed certificate is used for the communication between CMS UI and UCMDB Server. When the CMS UI is accessed for the first time on a machine, the web browser would pop up a warning message for the self-signed certificate. Users need to acknowledge that to continue with the log-in. You can refer to the Hardening section of the UCMDB Help for instructions about how to replace it with a more secure certificate.
  • Data Flow Probes that are upgraded to version 2018.05 do not contain the out-of the-box certificate from SSA. Therefore, these Data Flow Probes cannot upload scan files to SSA server.

    Workaround Import SSA’s certificate into these Data Flow Probes. To do so, follow the instructions in step 3.b.iii. "Import interface.crt to the Data Flow Probe's Truststore" in Smart Software Analytics - Pre-Deployment Considerations > Security Configuration.