Universal Discovery Resources for UNIX


The following script files are available for manual agent installations and upgrades:

Platform Resource Name Description
UNIX agentinstall.sh
  • Installs the Universal Discovery Agent.
  • Replaces the non-native version of the UD Agent with a version that is packaged in the native operating system version of the discovery node.
agentupgrade.sh Upgrades the DDMI agent to a Universal Discovery agent. However, this version of the Universal Discovery agent is not packaged in the native operating system version of the discovery node.

These files are available in the Package Manager. For more information on exporting resources, see How to Export a Package.

Additionally, discovery resources for UNIX and the UNIX variants that are also available in the Package Manager are as follows:

Operating System Platform File Name
HP-UX ia64 ud-agent-hpux-ia64.depot
HPPA ud-agent-hpux-hppa.depot
Linux (Red Hat, SUSE, CentOS, Oracle) x86,x64 ud-agent-linux-x86.rpm
Linux (Ubuntu) x86,x64 ud-agent-linux-x86.deb
AIX POWER ud-agent-aix-ppc.bff
Solaris x86 ud-agent-solaris-x86.i86pc
SPARC ud-agent-solaris-sparc.sparc
Mac OS X x86 ud-agent-macosx-x86.dmg


You can use parameters in a command line interface to customize the discovery installation as follows:

filename [--help] [--url0 ipaddress] [--url1 ipaddress] [--url2 ipaddress] [--port number] [--timeout seconds] [--cert path] [--usage] [--softwareutilization] [--softwareutilizationonly] [--period days] [--home path] [--upgrade] [--uninstall] [--clean] [--temp] [--user] [--group] packagename



Parameter Name Description

Path to install certificate files.

Default: Working directory


Specifies a type of uninstall procedure. Most Universal Discovery Agent files and scanner files are deleted.

Note  This parameter can only be used together with the uninstall and home parameters.


The name of the installation file.


  • This is a mandatory parameter.
  • The filename is usually agentinstall.sh.

Specifies the group name for the user account that you want to run the Universal Discovery Agent under.

Note Use this parameter together with the user parameter.

help Displays help messages.

Directory that contains the Universal Discovery Agent log and the software utilization data files.

Default: HOME directory


Full path for the package installation file.

Default: Working directory

Note  This parameter is required when installing or upgrading the Universal Discovery Agent.


Number of days to retain software utilization data.

Default: 365 days


Port number for the Universal Discovery Agent to use for communication with the Data Flow Probe.

Type 2738 or 7738

Default: 2738

Note  If you change this port number manually after installation, the new port number takes effect only after the Universal Discovery Agent is restarted.

softwaretutilization Enables software utilization.

Enables the Software Utilization plug-in only.


  • The Universal Discovery Agent is disabled.
  • This parameter is supported only when installing the Universal Discovery Agent manually.

Directory that contains Universal Discovery Agent and scanner temporary files.

Default: $TEMP directory.


Frequency (in seconds) that the Universal Discovery Agent contacts the Data Flow Probe for Call Home.

Default: 86400 seconds


Uninstalls the Universal Discovery Agent.

Note When you use this parameter:

  • All parameters except the clean parameter are ignored.
  • The filename parameter is required.
upgrade Upgrades the Universal Discovery Agent.

IP address for Data Flow Probe that is used for Call Home messages.


Displays help messages.

Note This parameter provides the same information as the help parameter.

user The user account that is used to start up the Universal Discovery Agent.
isnative Returns whether a native or non-native Universal Discovery Agent is installed.

Universal Discovery Agent Error Codes

The following error codes may be returned when using installation or upgrade scripts as follows:

Error Code Description
1 General error
2 Wrong parameter
3 Not root user
4 File creation error
5 Wrong platform
6 Install package error
7 Directory missing
8 File missing
9 File not executable
10 Link startup script error
11 Startup script error


Universal Discovery Agent is already installed

Note Applicable only when performing an installation operation.

13 System package installer error
14 Run agent with non-root user error
15 The DDMI agent is installed.