Administer > Re-brand the UCMDB Browser module

Brand the UCMDB Browser module

You have the ability to apply a header and footer, add custom text and an icon in the header of the UCMDB Browser module, and replace the image that appears on the landing page.

In all CMS UI installations, the <CMS_UI_installation_directory>\webapps\ucmdb-browser\public\branding folder contains sample icon, image, and stylesheet files. You can replace or update these files as desired, and specify their location in the settings in UCMDB, as described below.

Recommended image sizes are:

  • for icons - 20 x 20 pixels
  • for the landing page image - 135 x 135 pixels

Example of the CSS stylesheet:

.bannerClass {
      background-color: yellow; 
      color: blue; 
      font-weight: bold;

To brand the UCMDB Browser module:

  1. In UCMDB, go to Administration > Infrastructure Settings Manager, and choose UCMDB Browser settings.
  2. Update the following settings as required:

    Name Value
    Banner stylesheet URL The URL of the stylesheet used for the banner text.
    Banner text The text that will appear in the header and footer.
    Custom masthead text Customized text that will appear in the masthead of the UCMDB Browser module.
    Custom icon for masthead The URL of the icon that will appear in the masthead of the UCMDB Browser module.
    Custom image for landing page

    The URL of the image that will appear on the landing page of the UCMDB Browser module.

    Note For the best visual effect, use a graphic with a transparent background.

    Custom product name The name of the product that will appear on the landing page of the UCMDB Browser module.

    Note If you specify customized text and an icon for the masthead, they will appear in addition to the current text and image, and not as replacements.

  3. Click Save .