Tenant Owner Related Known Issues, Problems, and Workaround

PROBLEM: After switching to Tenant aware reconciliation, the OwnerTenant attribute becomes read-only in the Configuration Item Properties dialog.

Workaround: Use Assign Tenants functionality from the CI’s context menu.

PROBLEM: After removing the Key Attributes qualifier from the OwnerTenant attribute of the Managed Object, sometimes no properties are displayed for the CIs in UI.

All the properties exists in DB but just that they are not displayed in UI.

Workaround: If you want to switch back (to disable Tenant aware reconciliation), do the following:

  1. Remove the ID_ATTRIBUTE qualifier for the TenantOwner attribute on the managed_object CIT.

  2. Remove the value of the reconciliation.tenantaware.citypes setting.

  3. Reload the class model from persistency (go to the JMX console > UCMDB:service=Class Model Services, and invoke the reloadClassModelFromPersistency method).

  4. Go to JMX console > UCMDB:service=Model Services, invoke the recalculateID method with classname field empty.

Caution Do not invoke the updateClassModel method for this workaround. Otherwise it removes the TenantOwner attribute.

LIMITATION: Enrichment is not invoking the Reconciliation on Update OwnerTenant via Associate Tenant Rule. As a result, you may have duplicated data in the system in case if you update the OwnerTenant's CI to a tenant that already has this CI.

Workaround: None.

LIMITATION: CIs with Identification rule would be duplicated in case if the user is updating the OwnerTenant CI to a tenant that already has this CI from Update OwnerTenant in the Assign Tenants module.

Workaround: None.

PROBLEM: When removing all Consumer Tenants from a CI (from the IT Universe), an error is thrown and the Owner Tenant is overwritten with the System Default Tenant.

Workaround: To avoid removing the System Default Tenant from the Consumer Tenants list, make sure you set the System Default Tenant as consumer.

Only when the System Default Tenant is not set as consumer, the Owner Tenant will be overwritten with the System Default Tenant when trying to save.

PROBLEM: Error message received when setting up a tenant aware environment, for the OOTB enrichments which are adding CIs. (QCCR1H104949)

Workaround: If there are enrichments which are creating new CIs, after setting the environment as tenant aware, the attribute Owner tenant should be set for those CI Types which are being created through enrichments.