Solr Auto Commit

Starting with UCMDB version 10.31, the SOLR auto commit feature is enabled by default, this means that SOLR will automatically commit documents (indexed CI data). A commit operation makes index changes visible to new search requests. Solr uses two types of auto commit operations:

  • hard auto commit. Writes documents to disk, but the documents are not visible for searching. The interval for hard auto commit is set to 15 seconds or 10000 documents.
  • soft auto commit. Makes documents available for searching. The interval for soft auto commit is set to 3 minutes.

Since UCMDB can run heavy data-in operations, by setting these values the updated data is often sent to Solr, therefor the Solr's performance is improved.

However, if necessary, you can change the auto commit interval as follows:

  • Hard auto commit interval

    1. Open the <Solr_home>\configsets\ucmdb_configs\conf\solrconfig.xml file.

    2. In the below lines replace the values of the maxTime and maxDocs parameters with the ones you desired:

    3. Restart the UCMDB server.
  • Soft auto commit interval

    1. Open the <Solr_home>\configsets\ucmdb_configs\conf\solrconfig.xml file.

    2. In the below lines replace the value of the maxTime parameter with the one you desired:

    3. Restart the UCMDB server.