Adapter Configuration Files

The files discussed in this section are located in the package in the C:\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\content\adapters folder.

This section describes the following configuration files:

General Configuration

Simple Configuration

  • simplifiedConfiguration.xml. Configuration file that replaces orm.xml, transformations.txt, and reconciliation_rules.txt with less capabilities. For details, see The simplifiedConfiguration.xml File.

Advanced Configuration

  • orm.xml. The object-relational mapping file in which you map between CMDB CITs and database tables. For details, see The orm.xml File.

  • reconciliation_rules.txt. Contains the reconciliation rules. For details, see The reconciliation_rules.txt File (for backwards compatibility).

  • transformations.txt. Transformations file in which you specify the converters to apply to convert from the CMDB value to the database value, and vice versa. For details, see The transformations.txt File.

  • This file maps each supported CI type to a comma-separated list of possible corresponding values. For details, see The File.

  • Replication_config.txt. This file contains a comma-separated list of CI and relationship types whose property conditions are supported by the replication plug-in. For details, see The replication_config.txt File.

  • Fixed_values.txt. This file enables you to configure fixed values for specific attributes of certain CITs. For details, see The fixed_values.txt File.

Hibernate Configuration

Enabling Temporary Table Support for the Adapter

Enabling temporary tables allows the adapter to work more efficiently with the remote database, thus reducing stress on the database and network and also enhancing performance.

To enable temporary table support in General Database Adapter, the following conditions must be met:

  • The credentials given to connect to the database, include permission to create, modify, and delete temporary tables.

  • Configure the following settings in the adapter.conf configuration file:




Temporary tables are only supported for Microsoft SQL and Oracle.