Mapping File Schema

Element Name and Path Description Attributes
integration Defines the mapping contents of the file. Must be the outermost block in the file except for the beginning line and any comments.  



Defines information about the data repositories being integrated.  


(integration > info)

Defines information about the source data repository.
  1. Name: type

    Description: Name of the source data repository.

    Is required?: Required

    Type: String

  2. Name: versions

    Description: Version(s) of the source data repositories.

    Is required?: Required

    Type: String

  3. Name: vendor

    Description: Vendor of the source data repository.

    Is required?: Required

    Type: String


(integration > info)

Defines information about the target data repository.
  1. Name: type

    Description: Name of the source data repository.

    Is required?: Required

    Type: String

  2. Name: versions

    Description: Version(s) of the source data repository.

    Is required?: Required

    Type: String

  3. Name: vendor

    Description: Vendor of the source data repository.

    Is required?: Required

    Type: String



Container element for all CIT mappings.  


(integration > targetcis)

Defines a source CIT and all of the CI types which inherit from it.
  1. Name: name

    Description: Name of the source CIT.

    Is required?: Required

    Type: String

  2. Name: mode

    Description: The type of update required for the current CI type.

    Is required?: Required

    Type: One of the following strings:

    • insert: Use this only if the CI does not already exist.
    • update: Use this only if the CI is known to exist.
    • update_else_insert: If the CI exists, update it; otherwise, create a new CI.
    • ignore: Do nothing with this CI type.


(integration > targetcis)

Defines a source CIT without the CI types which inherit from it.
  1. Name: name

    Description: Name of the source CIT.

    Is required?: Required

    Type: String

  2. Name: mode

    Description: The type of update required for the current CI type.

    Is required?: Required

    Type: One of the following strings:

    • insert: Use this only if the CI does not already exist.
    • update: Use this only if the CI is known to exist.
    • update_else_insert: If the CI exists, update it; otherwise, create a new CI.
    • ignore: Do nothing with this CI type.


(integration > targetcis >


integration > targetcis > source_ci_type_tree)

Defines a target CIT.
  1. Name: name

    Description: Target CI type name.

    Is required?: Required

    Type: String

  2. Name: schema

    Description: The name of the schema that will be used to store this CI type at the target.

    Is required?: Not Required

    Type: String

  3. Name: namespace

    Description: Indicates the namespace of this CI type on the target.

    Is required?: Not Required

    Type: String


(integration > targetcis > source_ci_type)


(integration > targetcis > source_ci_type_tree


(integration > targetrelations > link)


(integration > targetrelations > source_link_type_tree)

Identifies target CIT primary key attributes.  


(integration > targetcis > source_ci_type > targetprimarykey


integration > targetcis > source_ci_type_tree > targetprimarykey


(integration > targetrelations > link > targetprimarykey)


integration > targetrelations > source_link_type_tree > targetprimarykey)

Identifies one primary key attribute.

Required only if mode is update or



(integration > targetcis > source_ci_type


integration > targetcis >


integration > targetrelations > link


integration > targetrelations > source_link_type_tree)

Defines the target CIT's attribute.
  1. Name: name

    Description: Name of the target CIT's attribute.

    Is required?: Required

    Type: String

  2. Name: datatype

    Description: Data type of the target CIT's attribute.

    Is required?: Required

    Type: String

  3. Name: length

    Description: For string/char data types, integer size of target attribute.

    Is required?: Not Required

    Type. Integer

  4. Name. option

    Description. The conversion function to be applied to the value.

    Is required. False

    Type. One of the following strings:

    • uppercase – Convert to uppercase
    • lowercase – Convert to lowercase

    If this attribute is empty, no conversion function will be applied.


(integration >
targetcis > source_ci_type >


integration >
targetcis >
source_ci_type_tree >


(integration >
targetrelations > link >


integration >
targetrelations >
source_link_type_tree >

Specifies how to obtain the source CIT's attribute value.
  1. Name. type
    Description. The type of mapping between the source and target values.
    Is required. Required
    Type. One of the following strings:
    a. direct – Specifies a 1-to-1 mapping from source attribute's value to target attribute's value.
    b. compoundstring – Sub-elements are joined into a single string and the target attribute value is set.
    c. childattr – Sub-elements are one or more child CIT's attributes. Child CITs are defined as those with composition or containment relationship.
    d. constant – Static string
  2. Name. value
    Description. Constant string for type=constant
    Is required. Only required when type=constant
    Type. String
  3. Name. attr
    Description. Source attribute name for type=direct
    Is required. Only required when type=direct
    Type. String


(integration >
targetcis >
source_ci_type >
target_attribute > map


integration >
targetcis > source_ci_type_tree > target_attribute > map


(integration > targetrelations >
link > target_attribute >


integration > targetrelations > source_link_type_tree > target_attribute > map)

Only valid when the map's type is childattr

Specifies how the source CI's child CI attribute values are combined into a single value to map to the target CI attribute. Optional.

Name: type
Description. The type of aggregation function
Is required?: Required
Type. One of the following strings:

  • csv – Concatenates all included values into a comma-separated list (numeric or string/character).

  • count – Returns a numeric count of all included values.

  • sum – Returns the sum of all numeric included values.

  • average – Returns a numeric average of all included values.

  • min – Returns the lowest numeric/character included value.

  • max – Returns the highest numeric/character included value.


(integration > targetcis > source_ci_type > target_attribute > map


integration > targetcis > source_ci_type_tree > target_attribute > map


(integration > targetrelations > link > target_attribute > map


integration > targetrelations > source_link_type_tree > target_attribute > map)

Only valid when the map’s type is childattr.

Specifies from which connected CI the child attribute is taken.
  1. Name. name
    Description. The type of the child CI
    Is required. Required
    Type. String
  2. Name. source_attribute
    Description. The attribute of the child CI that is mapped.
    Is required. Required only if the childAttr aggregation type (which is on the same path) is not =count.
    Type. String


(integration >
targetcis >
source_ci_type >
target_attribute > map


integration > targetcis >
source_ci_type_tree >
target_attribute > map


(integration >
targetrelations > link >
target_attribute > map


integration >
targetrelations >
source_link_type_tree >
target_attribute > map)

Only valid when the map's type is childatt

Allows exclusion filtering of the source CI's child CIs based on attribute values. Used with the aggregation sub-element to achieve granularity of exactly which children attributes are mapped to the target CIT's attribute value. Optional.
  1. Name. minlength
    Description. Excludes strings shorter than the given value.
    Is Required?: Not required
    Type. Integer
  2. Name. maxlength
    Description. Excludes strings longer than the given value.
    Is Required?: Not required
    Type. Integer
  3. Name. minvalue
    Description. Excludes numbers smaller than the specified value.
    Is Required?: Not required
    Type. Numeric

  4. Name. maxvalue
    Description. Excludes numbers greater than the specified value.
    Is Required?: Not required
    Type. Numeric



Container element for all relationship mappings. Optional.  


(integration > targetrelations)

Maps a source Relationship type without the types which inherit from it to a target Relationship. Mandatory only if targetrelation is present.
  1. Name: name
    Description. Source relationship name.
    Is required?:Required
    Type. String
  2. Name: target_link_type
    Description. Target relationship name
    Is required?: Required
    Type. String

  3. Name: nameSpace
    Description: The namespace for the link that will be created on the target.
    Is required?: Not required
    Type: String

  4. Name: mode
    Description: The type of update required for the current link.
    Is required?: Required
    Type: One of the following strings:

    • insert – Use this only if the CI does not already exist.

    • update – Use this only if the CI is known to exist.

    • update_else_insert – If the CI exists, update it; otherwise, create a new CI.

    • ignore – Do nothing with this CI type.

  5. Name: source_ci_type_end1
    Description: Source relationship's End1 CI type.
    Is required?: Required
    Type: String

  6. Name: source_ci_type_end2
    Description: Source relationship's End2 CI type.
    Is required?: Required
    Type: String


(integration > targetrelations)

Maps a source Relationship to a target Relationship. Mandatory only if targetrelation is present.
  1. Name: source_link_type
    Description: Source relationship name.
    Is Required?: Required
    Type: String
  2. Name: target_link_type
    Description: Target relationship name.
    Is required?: Required
    Type: String
  3. Name: nameSpace
    Description: The namespace for the link that will be created on the target.
    Is required?: Not required
    Type: String
  4. Name: mode
    Description: The type of update required for the current link.
    Is required?: Required
    Type: On the following strings:
    • insert – Use this only if the CI does not already exist.

    • update – Use this only if the CI is known to exist.

    • update_else_insert – If the CI exists, update it; otherwise, create a new CI.

    • ignore – Do nothing with this CI type.

  5. Name: source_ci_type_end1 Description: Source relationship's End1 CI type
    Is required?: Required
    Type: String
  6. Name: source_ci_type_end2
    Description: Source relationship's End2 CI type
    Is required?: Required
    Type: String


(integration > targetrelations > link


integration > targetrelations > source_link_type_tree)

Target relationship’s End1 CI type.
  1. Name: name
    Description: Name of the target relationship’s End1 CI type.
    Is required?: Required
    Type: String
  2. Name: superclass
    Description: Name of the End1 CI type’s super-class.
    Is required?: Not required
    Type: String


(integration > targetrelations > link


integration > targetrelations > source_link_type_tree)

Target relationship’s End2 CI type.
  1. Name: name
    Description: Name of the target relationship’s End2 CI type.
    Is required?: Required
    Type: String
  2. Name: superclass
    Description: Name of the End2 CI type’s super-class.
    Is required?: Not required
    Type: String