
The getCmdbClassDefinition method retrieves information about the specified class.

If you use getCmdbClassDefinition to retrieve the key attributes, you must also query the parent classes up to the base class. getCmdbClassDefinition identifies as key attributes only those attributes with the ID_ATTRIBUTE set in the class definition specified by className. Inherited key attributes are not recognized as key attributes of the specified class. Therefore, the complete list of key attributes for the specified class is the union of all the keys of the class and of all its parents, up to the root.

See the "Class Model Example".


Parameter Comment
cmdbContext For details, see CmdbContext and the schema documentation for CmdbContext.
className The type name. For details, see UCMDB General Parameters .


Parameter Comment
cmdbClass The class definition, consisting of name, classType, displayLabel, description, parentName, qualifiers, and attributes. For details, see UcmdbClass.
comments For internal use only.