Data Flow Probe Status Window

Enables you to view the current status of discovered CIs and all active jobs running on the Probes.

To access Select Data Flow Management > Data Flow Probe Status.
Important Information
  • Depending on what you select in the Domains Browser pane, different information is displayed in the viewing pane.

    If you select:

    • a domain, you can view details and discovery results for the domain.

    • a Probe, you can view details on the Probe (such as the Probe IP), the progress of a job and you can view discovery results.

  • The view is not automatically updated. To refresh the status data, click the button.
  • If a Probe is configured in Separate mode, no results are shown in this window.
Relevant tasks

Domain Browser Pane

Displays the domains and Probes defined in the UCMDB system in a tree view.

Domain Details Pane

Displays the details of the domain selected in the Domains Browser pane.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element (A–Z) Description
Domain Type
  • Customer. A private domain used for your site. You can define several domains and each domain can include multiple Probes. Each Probe can include IP ranges but the customer domain itself has no range definition.
  • External. Internet/public domain. A domain that is defined with a range. The external domain can contain only one Probe whose name equals the domain name. However, you can define several external domains in your system.

For details on defining domains, see Add New Domain Dialog Box.

Data Flow Probe Details Pane

Displays the details of the Probe selected in the Domains Browser pane.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element (A–Z) Description

Refreshed the data so that the most current status of the discovered CIs and jobs on the selected Probe is displayed.

Note The maximum timeout for refreshing is set to 30,000 milliseconds by default. To change this setting, change the Max time out for getting probe status setting in the Infrastructure Settings Manager. For details, see Infrastructure Settings Manager Page.

Last updated The date and time at which the Get snapshot button was last pressed (that is, the date and time of the data displayed in Data Flow Probe Status).
Probe IP The IP address which the Probe communicates with UCMDB.
Running jobs The number of jobs running on the Probe.
Scheduled jobs The number of jobs that are scheduled to run according to the settings in the Discovery Scheduler. For details, see Discovery Scheduler Dialog Box.

The status of the Probe:

  • Connected. The Probe is connected to the server (the Probe connects every few seconds).

  • Connected (suspended). The Probe is connected, but it is suspended such that no jobs can run on the Probe.

  • Disconnected. The Probe is not connected to the server.

Threads The sum of all threads currently allocated to the running jobs.
Total Discovered CIs in sending queue The total number of CIs/relationships discovered by all of the discovery jobs that ran on the Probe, and that are waiting to be sent to the UCMDB Server.

Progress Pane

Displays the progress of the jobs on the selected Probe.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element (A–Z) Description

View Job Progress. Opens the <Job Name> dialog box, enabling you to view the details of the selected job. For details, see <Job Name> Dialog Box.

Available: When a job is selected in the Progress pane.

View Workflow Information. Opens the Workflow Information dialog box, enabling you to view workflow information for a selected job that is dependent on a workflow adapter and that is currently running. This dialog box shows the following information for the job: Trigger CI, current step, workflow status, workflow start time, workflow end time, parking status, current timeout period, and next invocation time.

If you double-click on a Trigger CI in the Workflow Information dialog box, a history of all steps that have already been executed during the current execution of the selected job is displayed.

Available when: A currently running job that is dependent on a workflow adapter is selected in the Progress pane.

Job List

List the following information about the jobs that ran or are scheduled to run on the Probe, and their progress:

  • Job. The name of the job scheduled to run on the Probe.
  • Discovered CIs in Sending Queue. The number of CIs/relationships discovered by the selected discovery job, and that are waiting to be sent to the UCMDB Server.
  • Next invocation. The next time that the Probe is scheduled to run.
  • Previous invocation. The last time that the Probe ran.

  • Progress. The progress of the job as it is running.

    Note If a job has not started running, the Progress column displays Scheduled.

  • Thread count. The number of threads currently allocated to the selected job.
  • Triggered CIs. The number of CIs triggered by the job.

Discovery Results Pane

Enables you to view discovery results.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element (A–Z) Description

Refresh. Enables you to retrieve the latest data from the Probe.

Note This data is not automatically updated.

Set Filter. Enables you to set the time range for which to display discovery results.

  • All. Displays results for all job runs.

  • Last Hour/Day/Week/Month. Choose a period of time for which to display discovery results.

  • Custom Range. Opens the Change Timeframe dialog box customize the time range for which to display discovery results. Do one of the following:

    • In the From and To boxes, click the arrow to choose a date and time from the calendar.
    • Click Last Day to view the last 24 hours worth of results.
<Results grid>
  • CIT. The name of the discovered CIT.
  • Created. The number of CIT instances created by the Probe
  • Deleted. The number of CIT instances deleted by the Probe.
  • Discovered CIs. The sum of all the CIs for all the invocations.
  • Updated. The number of CIT instances that have been updated.
Filter Displays the selected filter.
Last updated The date and time that the results data was updated for a particular Probe.