Software Library Window

This window enables you to view the contents of the SAI files that are contained in the UCMDB software library, including details about publishers and applications.

To access Select Data Flow Management > Software Library.
Important information
  • Previously-selected SAI files are selected by default. Otherwise, the first SAI file that is displayed is selected.
  • To view SAI file details and statistics for multiple SAI files, select at least two SAI files in the SAI pane.
  • The following iconography appears in multiple panes:

    . Indicates a Master SAI file.

    . Indicates a User SAI file.

    . Indicates a publisher.

    . Indicates an application.

    . Indicates a User SAI file is being created and will be ready in a few minutes. While this icon is displayed, Express Teaching is disabled for this file.

Relevant tasks How to Teach Applications Using Express Teaching Wizard
See also Express Teaching Overview

SAI Pane

The SAI pane displays the list of SAI files that are contained in UCMDB.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description

New SAI File. Opens the New SAI dialog box, enabling you to create a new user SAI file.


  • Newly-created files take a few minutes to create before you can teach to the file.
  • You do not need to type in a file type suffix.
  • Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, blank space, underline and hyphen.

Delete. Deletes the selected user SAI file.

Export. Exports the selected SAI file.
Import. Opens an Import SAI dialog box, enabling you to import SAI file information to the UCMDB server.
  • Import SAI file. Opens the Import SAI dialog box, enabling you to import a User SAI file or an archive (.zip) file to UCMDB. In the dialog box, ensure that you click the file type drop-down button to select the correct file type.

    Note User SAI files on the Data Flow Probe are overwritten if the files have the same file names. This action cannot be undone.

  • Import SAI from CP. Opens the Import SAI from CP dialog box, enabling you to import the master SAI files only that are contained in a Content Pack Update archive file.
Advanced Search. Opens the Advanced Search dialog box, enabling you to find detailed information that is contained in SAI files. For more information, see Advanced Search Dialog Box.

Refresh. Refreshes the information that is displayed in the pane.

Note Perform this after you import SAI files from a Content Pack Update to UCMDB.

Deploy. Deploys the selected user SAI file from UCMDB to Data Flow Probe servers.

Available when: User SAI files that contain newly-taught applications which have not been deployed to the Data Flow Probe.

Opens the Express Teaching Wizard, enabling you to teach applications to Universal Discovery. For more information, see Express Teaching Overview.

Available when: A user SAI file is selected and ready for teaching.

Not available when: Multiple SAI files are selected.

Note The user SAI file that is selected is the file that is used when using Express Teaching.

Opens the Software Recognition Configuration Wizard, enabling you to set options for scan file recognition. For more information, see XML Enricher: Software Recognition Configuration Dialog Box.

Publishers and Applications Pane

The Publishers and Applications pane displays publisher and application information that are contained in the selected SAI files.

Important information Available when: Only one SAI file is selected in the SAI pane.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description

Refresh. Refreshes the information that is displayed in the pane.

Note Perform this after you import master SAI files from a Content Pack update to UCMDB.

Expands the contents of the directory tree enabling you to view the applications.
Collapses the contents of the directory tree and hides the applications.

Details Pane

The Details pane displays detailed information about the selected SAI file, the selected publisher, and the selected application.

Important information
  • Contains multiple sub-panes and contains multiple tabs depending on your selection in the Publishers and Applications pane.
  • To see the SAI file details and statistics of an SAI file, select an SAI file or SAI files in the SAI Files pane. Ensure the root of the Publishers and Applications pane is selected.
  • To see details of a publisher, select an SAI file in the SAI pane and also select a publisher in the Publishers and Applications pane.
  • To see details of an application, select an SAI file in the SAI Files pane and also select an application in the Publishers and Applications pane.
  • Some tabs are displayed only when an SAI file is selected in the SAI pane and the root of the Publishers and Applications pane is selected.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
Details Tab

Displays sub-panes that show detailed information about the selected SAI file.

Note The information contained in these tabs are displayed in tabular form when multiple SAI files are selected in the SAI pane.

The following sub-panes are displayed:

  • SAI File Details. Displays detailed information about a selected SAI or application.

    • Name. Name of the SAI file.
    • Description. Description of the SAI file.
    • ID. ID number of the SAI file.
    • Date. For master SAI files, the date the SAI file was released. For user SAI files, the creation date.
    • Type. Type of the SAI file.
      • Possible values: Master or User.
    • In Use. Specifies whether the SAI file is used by the XML Enricher to enrich scan files.
  • Statistics. Displays statistics about the selected SAI file or SAI files that are selected in the SAI pane.

    • Publishers. Number of publishers.
    • Applications. Number of applications.
    • Versions. Number of versions.
    • Releases. Number of releases.
    • Package Rules. Number of package rules.
    • Version Data Rules. Number of version data rules.
Application Types Tab Displays application types that help you to identify the different types of software that are contained in the selected SAI file.
Operating Systems Tab Displays the names of the operating systems that are contained in the selected SAI file.
Languages Tab Displays the languages that are contained in the selected SAI file.
File Based Tab

Displays sub-panes that show detailed information about applications and their release and version information.

Available when:An application is selected in the Publishers and Applications pane.

The following sub-panes are displayed:

  • Application Details Pane. Displays detailed information about the application.
  • Release and Versions Pane. Displays release and version details.

    • Releases. Displays the releases that are associated with the application.
    • Versions. Displays any versions that are associated with the selected release in the Releases sub-pane.
    • Licensing Releases. Displays the releases that the selected application licenses. For example, a Microsoft Office suite.
    • Licensed Releases. Displays any releases that are licensed by the selected application. For example, Microsoft Word.
Rule Based Tab

Displays sub-panes that show package rule and version rule information about the selected SAI file.

Available when:An application is selected in the Publishers and Applications pane .

The following sub-panes are displayed:

Package Rules Pane and Version Data Rules Pane.

  • Commercial. Commercial or license type of the package or application.
  • Language. Language of the package or application.
  • Package Name. Name of the package or application used to recognize the application.
  • Package Type. File type of the application package.
  • Operating System. Operating system on which the package or application runs.
  • Release Match. Scan file data field that contains the release information, and also the regular expression used to extract the release information.
  • Version Match. Scan file data field that contains the version information, and also the regular expression used to extract the version information.

Note All version data rules are for Windows only.