Troubleshoot > Troubleshooting Hardening > Troubleshooting - Database TLS Connection Issues

Troubleshooting - Database TLS Connection Issues

In case the UCMDB configuration wizard cannot access the MSSQL 2016 with TLS 1.2 protocol, do the following to resolve the UCMDB database TLS connection issue:

In the UCMDBServer\conf\ file, add the following parameter:


This parameter just skips validating the Self-Signed Fallback certificate from Achmea DB server, and all the connections are still protected by the TLS protocol.

Meanwhile, another java option parameter should remain in the <UCMDB_Server>/bin/configure.bat file, as shown below:

%JAVA% -Xms128m -Xmx512m -cp "%ROOT%\tools\server\*;%ROOT%\bin\jre\lib\*;%ROOT%\lib\*;%UI%\jide-grids.jar;%UI%\jide-components.jar;%UI%\jide-common.jar;%UI%\jide-action.jar;%UI%\forms.jar;%UI%\swing_core.jar;%UI%\ui_core.jar;" -Ducmdb.home=%ROOT% com.hp.config_wizard.ui.frame.ConfigWizardMain %*