Use > Hardening > Enabling Secure (HTTPS or TSL) Communication > Enable the UCMDB KPI Adapter to be used with SSL

Enable the UCMDB KPI Adapter to be used with SSL

You can configure the UCMDB KPI adapter information to be sent using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

  1. Export the Configuration Manager certificate:

    <CM_JAVA_HOME>\bin\keytool -export -alias tomcat -keystore
    <CM_JAVA_HOME>\lib\security\tomcat.keystore -storepass
    <keystore pass> -file <certificate file name>

  2. Import the certificate that you exported from Configuration Manager into the UCMDB truststore as follows:

    <UCMDB server dir>\bin\jre\bin keytool -import -trustcacerts
    -alias tomcat -keystore <UCMDB server dir>\bin\jre\lib
    \security\cacerts -storepass changeit -file <certificatefile>

  3. Import the certificate that you exported from Configuration Manager into the Probe's truststore as follows:

    1. Open the command prompt and run the command:

      <DataFlowProbe dir>\bin\jre\bin\keytool.exe -import -v -keystore 
      <DataFlowProbe dir>\conf\security\ProbeTrustStore.jks -file 
      <certificatefile> -alias tomcat
    2. Enter the keystore password: logomania

    3. When asked Trust this certificate?, press y and then Enter.

      The following message is displayed:

      Certificate was added to keystore.

      For additional details about hardening the Data Flow Probe, see Data Flow Probe Hardening.

  4. Restart UCMDB, the Data Flow Probe, and Configuration Manager.