Use > Modeling > Modeling > Enrichment Manager > Enrichment Manager User Interface > Query Node/Relationship Definition Dialog Box

Query Node/Relationship Definition Dialog Box

This dialog box displays the attributes of the selected query node/relationship. The key attributes and the required attributes of the selected query node appear in bold.

To access Right-click a query node or relationship when in Enrichment mode (select Enrichment from the Query/Enrichment drop-down list at the top of the Enrichment Manager page) and select Update Relationship/Query Node.
Important information

Use an Enrichment rule to update the value of CI attributes in the CMDB, or to add data to attributes that currently do not have values. You can use this option, for example, for simultaneously adding a note to all CI instances.

You must fill in the value of the key attributes and the required attributes of the Enrichment query node. The method you use to define these values determines the number of instances created.

If you enter a dynamic value, you can create numerous instances. For example, entering the dynamic value of a host_key for the CIT Node or an IP address attribute for the CIT IpAddress.

Relevant tasks How to Define an Enrichment Rule – Scenario
See also

Attributes Area

User interface elements are described below :

UI Element (A-Z) Description
Name The attribute name.
Type The field type of the selected attribute.

The value as defined in one of the following:

  • The Value box in the Set Attributes area.
  • The combination of the values in the By Attribute boxes in the Set Attributes area.
  • The Value column if you selected Simple in the Type column in the Query Node Definition - Advanced Attribute dialog box.
  • The combination of the values in the Value column and the column to the right of the Value column if you selected By Attribute in the Type column in the Query Node Definition - Advanced Attribute dialog box.

Set Attributes Area

User interface elements are described below :

UI Element (A-Z) Description

Define an attribute value using the Query Node Definition - Advanced Attribute dialog box.

. Advanced. Opens the Advanced Attribute dialog box.

Clear. Clears the Value column in the Attributes area.

Note This element is only active when an attribute of the field type string is selected.

By Attribute

Define an attribute using attributes from other query nodes in the TQL query.

  • In the box to the left, select the required query node.
  • In the box to the right, select the query node’s required attribute.

Apply. Adds the selected attribute definition to the Value column in the Attributes area.

Clear. Clears the Value column in the Attributes area.

RegExp Group (Appears only when you select an attribute of the field type string.) Enter the group number only if you are adding a regular expression using regular expression syntax. This is the part of the regular expression pattern to focus on when creating the attribute. A set of parentheses ( ) constitutes a group.
Regular Expression

(Appears only when you select an attribute of the field type string.) Add a regular expression using regular expression syntax. Enter the regular expression pattern.

For examples of how to use regular expression syntax, see Regular Expression Examples.

Value (in the Set Attributes area)

Define a constant value. Enter the required value in the Value box or select a value from the Value list.

Apply. Adds the value definition to the Value column in the Attributes area.

Clear. Clears the Value column in the Attributes area.