Rule General Attributes Page

This wizard page enables you to enter a unique name and description for the Tenant Association rule.

Important information
Wizard map

The New Tenant Association Rule/Tenant Association Rule Properties/Save As Tenant Association Rule Wizard contains:

Rule General Attributes Page > Rule Base Query Page

See also Topology Query Language

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element (A-Z) Description
Rule Description (Optional) Enter a description of the rule.
Rule is Active

(Optional) Select this option to activate the rule in the system as soon as it is saved.

Default: Not selected.


  • If an active Tenant Association rule is deactivated (by clearing the Rule is Active check box), all changes that occur in the CMDB relating to the rule are deleted from the system. When you deactivate a Tenant Association rule, a red X appears next to the rule in the Enrichment Rules pane.
  • To reactivate the rule, right-click the rule in the Enrichment Rules pane and select Properties. On the General Attributes page, select Rule is Active.
Rule Name

Enter a unique name for the Tenant Association rule. The rule name cannot contain any of the following characters: \ / : " < > | % ?. The final character cannot be a blank space.

Note If the rule name is either empty, contains a name used by another Tenant Association rule, or uses invalid characters, the Next and Finish buttons are disabled.

Update Last Access Time

When this option is selected, the Tenant Association rule updates the Last Access Time property of the CIs it affects. When the check box is cleared, the Tenant Association rule does not update the attribute and therefore does not perform touch on those CIs. This ensures that the Tenant Association rule does not affect the aging of the relevant CIs.


  • For out-of-the-box Tenant Association rules, this option is selected by default.
  • For new CIs created by the Tenant Association rule, the Last Access Time property is updated even when the check box is cleared.