CI Class VMware Cluster

Inheritance diagram for VMware Cluster


Display NameVMware Cluster
DescriptionVMware Cluster is a collection of ESX Server hosts with shared resources and a shared management interface. When you add a host to a cluster, the host's resources become part of the cluster's resources. The cluster manages the resources of all hosts


Attributes defined for VMware Cluster
NameDisplay NameTypeDefault ValueDescriptionFactoryKeyHidden
cluster_statusStatusstring[50]Status of this clustertruefalsefalse
cpu_core_countCPU Core CountintegerNumber of CPU Core in VMware Clustertruefalsefalse
das_admission_control_enabledDAS Admission Control is EnabledbooleanfalseWhether DAS Admission Control is Enabledtruefalsefalse
das_admission_control_policyDAS Admission Control Policystring[250]DAS Admission Control Policytruefalsefalse
das_enabledDAS is EnabledbooleanfalseWhether DAS (VMware HA) is enabledtruefalsefalse
das_failover_levelDAS Failover LevelintegerDAS Failover Leveltruefalsefalse
das_failover_resources_cpuDAS Failover Resources CPUintegerDAS Failover Resources CPUtruefalsefalse
das_failover_resources_memoryDAS Failover Resources MemoryintegerDAS Failover Resources Memorytruefalsefalse
das_host_monitoringDAS Host Monitoringstring[250]DAS Host Monitoringtruefalsefalse
das_isolation_responseDAS Isolation Responsestring[50]DAS Isolation Responsetruefalsefalse
das_restart_priorityDAS Restart Prioritystring[50]DAS Restart Prioritytruefalsefalse
das_vm_monitoringDAS VM Monitoringstring[250]DAS VM Monitoringtruefalsefalse
dpm_behaviorDPM Behaviorstring[50]DPM Behavior (automated, manual)truefalsefalse
dpm_enabledDPM is EnabledbooleanfalseWhether DPM is Enabledtruefalsefalse
dpm_host_power_action_rateDPM Host Power Action RateintegerDPM Host Power Action Ratetruefalsefalse
drs_behaviorDRS Behaviorstring[50]DRS Behavior (fullyAutomated, manual, partiallyAutomated)truefalsefalse
drs_enable_vm_behavior_overridesDRS Enable Vm Behavior OverridesbooleanfalseDRS Enable Vm Behavior Overridestruefalsefalse
drs_enabledDRS is EnabledbooleanfalseWhether DRS is Enabledtruefalsefalse
drs_vmotion_rateDRS VMotion RateintegerDRS VMotion Ratetruefalsefalse
effective_cpuEffective CPUintegerEffective CPU in cluster in MHztruefalsefalse
effective_memoryEffective MemorylongEffective Memory in cluster in megabytestruefalsefalse
host_countHost CountintegerNumber of Host in VMware Clustertruefalsefalse
total_cpuTotal CPUintegerTotal CPU in cluster in MHztruefalsefalse
total_memoryTotal MemorylongTotal Memory in cluster in megabytestruefalsefalse
vm_monitoring_failure_intervalVM Monitoring Failure IntervalintegerVM Monitoring Failure Intervaltruefalsefalse
vm_monitoring_max_failure_windowVM Monitoring Max Failure WindowintegerVM Monitoring Max Failure Windowtruefalsefalse
vm_monitoring_max_failuresVM Monitoring Max FailuresintegerVM Monitoring Max Failurestruefalsefalse
vm_monitoring_min_uptimeVM Monitoring Min UptimeintegerVM Monitoring Min Uptimetruefalsefalse
vmware_morefManagedObjectReferencestring[50]VMware Managed Object Reference (MORef)truefalsefalse
vmware_resource_idVMware Resource IDstring[150]The resource identifier defined by VMware VROPS. Call API of VROPS (value of "idetifier") : /api/resources/truefalsefalse
vsan_enabledvSAN is Enabledstring[50]falseWhether vSAN is enabledtruefalsefalse
Attributes defined for Cluster
NameDisplay NameTypeDefault ValueDescriptionFactoryKeyHidden
instancescountInstances countintegerNumber of instances in the clustertruefalsefalse
versionVersionstring[100]Cluster versiontruefalsefalse
Attributes defined for ApplicationSystem
NameDisplay NameTypeDefault ValueDescriptionFactoryKeyHidden
vendorVendorstring[200]The vendor/manufacturer name ofa software, host, or elementtruefalsefalse
Attributes defined for InfrastructureElement
NameDisplay NameTypeDefault ValueDescriptionFactoryKeyHidden
codepageCodePagestring[50]System suported CodePagetruefalsetrue
credentials_idReference to the credentials dictionary entrystringReference to the credentials dictinary entrytruefalsetrue
languageLanguagestring[50]System suported languagetruefalsetrue
zone_listZone Liststring_list[256]List of management zones in which the CI is discoveredtruefalsefalse
Attributes defined for ConfigurationItem
NameDisplay NameTypeDefault ValueDescriptionFactoryKeyHidden
bit_positionBit Positionintegertruefalsetrue
bitmap_idBitmap IDintegertruefalsetrue
ci_lifecycle_stateCI Lifecycle Statelifecycle_state_enumThe attribute indicates the overall Lifecycle state of a CI when using enhanced lifecycle solutiontruefalsefalse
cityCitystring[50]City locationtruefalsetrue
contextmenuContext Menustring_list[100]Context menutruefalsetrue
countryCountry or Provincestring[50]Country or province locationtruefalsetrue
data_tagsTagsjson[4000]A tag is a label assigned to a resource.Each tag consists of a key and a value.truefalsefalse
discovery_stateDiscovery Statediscovery_state_enumState of UD discoverytruefalsefalse
is_save_persistencyStore KPI History For Over Time ReportsbooleanfalseStore KPI history for over time reportstruefalsetrue
metaphaseMeta Phasestring[50]Meta Phase of a CI in SMAX. The attribute is owned by SMAX exclusivelytruefalsefalse
monitor_stateMonitor Statestring[50]Monitor State of a CI in OpsB. The attribute is owned by OpsB exclusively.truefalsefalse
provision_stateProvision Statestring[50]Provision State of a CI in HCMX. The attribute is owned by HCMX exclusively.truefalsefalse
regulatory_detailsRegulatory Detailsstring[1000][Summary]This attribute is used by DCA, it represents the regulatory details. [Collection]The value is pushed by DCA via CMSGatewaytruefalsefalse
regulatory_statusRegulatory Statusregulatory_status_enum[Summary]This attribute is used by DCA, it represents the regulatory status. [Collection]The value is pushed by DCA via CMSGatewaytruefalsefalse
sd_typeSD Typestring[32]truefalsefalse
stateStatestring[50]State locationtruefalsetrue
track_changesTrack Configuration ChangesbooleanfalseTrack configuration changestruefalsetrue
vulnerability_detailsVulnerability Detailsstring[1000][Summary]This attribute is used by DCA, it represents the vulnerability details. [Collection]The value is pushed by DCA via CMSGatewaytruefalsefalse
vulnerability_statusVulnerability Statusvulnerability_status_enum[Summary]This attribute is used by DCA, it represents the vulnerability status. [Collection]The value is pushed by DCA via CMSGatewaytruefalsefalse
Attributes defined for Managed Object
NameDisplay NameTypeDefault ValueDescriptionFactoryKeyHidden
TenantOwnerOwner Tenantstring[32]The Tenant Owner IDtruefalsefalse
TenantsUsesConsumer Tenantsstring_listThe IDs of the Tenants who are associated with the CItruefalsefalse
Attributes defined for Object
NameDisplay NameTypeDefault ValueDescriptionFactoryKeyHidden
Attributes defined for Data
NameDisplay NameTypeDefault ValueDescriptionFactoryKeyHidden
data_adminstateAdmin Stateadminstates_enum0Admin Statetruefalsetrue
data_allow_auto_discoveryAllow CI Updateboolean[250]truetruefalsefalse
data_changecorrstateChange Corr Statechangestates_enum0Change Statetruefalsetrue
data_changeisnewChange Is NewbooleanfalseChange Statetruefalsetrue
data_changestateChange Statechangestates_enum0Change Statetruefalsetrue
data_externalidExternal IDstring[300]external source id: snmp index, data sources index etc.truefalsetrue
data_operationcorrstateOperation Corr Stateoperationstates_enum0Operation Statetruefalsetrue
data_operationisnewOperation Is NewbooleanfalseOperation Statetruefalsetrue
data_operationstateOperation Stateoperationstates_enum0Operation Statetruefalsetrue
data_sourceCreated Bystring[512]truefalsefalse
data_testcorrstateTest Corr Stateteststates_enum0Test Statetruefalsetrue
data_testisnewTest Is NewbooleanfalseTest Statetruefalsetrue
data_teststateTest Stateteststates_enum0Test Statetruefalsetrue
display_labelDisplay Labelstring[900]Used as calc attribute for displaytruefalsefalse
user_labelUser Labelstring[900]Used as user labeltruefalsefalse
Attributes defined for Root
NameDisplay NameTypeDefault ValueDescriptionFactoryKeyHidden
calculated_idCalculated IDbytes[16]Calculated IDtruefalsetrue
create_timeCreated TimedateWhen was this CI createdtruefalsefalse
global_idGlobal Idstring[32]A globally unique identifier for the entity represented by the objecttruefalsefalse
last_discovered_byLastDiscoveredBystring[512]Who discovered this CItruefalsefalse
last_discovered_by_probeLastDiscoveredByProbestringWhich probe discovered this CItruefalsefalse
last_discovered_timeLastDiscoveredTimedateWhen was this CI discoveredtruefalsefalse
last_modified_timeLastModifiedTimedateWhen was this CI last updatedtruefalsefalse
root_actualdeletetimeActual Delete TimedateWhen will this CI be deletedtruefalsetrue
root_actualdeletionperiodActual Deletion Periodinteger40What is the period after the CI will be deletedtruefalsefalse
root_candidatefordeletetimeCandidate For Deletion TimedateWhen will this CI be warned about deletingtruefalsetrue
root_classCI Typestring[100]Class name of the CItruefalsetrue
root_containerContainerstring[32]Container CI of this CItruefalsefalse
root_deletioncandidateperiodDeletion Candidate Periodinteger20What is the period after the CI will be candidate for deletetruefalsefalse
root_enableageingEnable AgingbooleanfalseIs aging enabledtruefalsefalse
root_iscandidatefordeletionIs Candidate For DeletionbooleanfalseIs candidate for deletiontruefalsefalse
root_lastaccesstimeLast Access TimedateWhen was this CI last accessedtruefalsefalse

Valid Relations

Valid direct incoming and outgoing relations defined on VMware Cluster

Relations defined for VMware Cluster
VMware VirtualCenterVMware ClusterManage
Relations defined for FailoverCluster
FailoverClusterClusteredFileSystemCompositionRepresents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed
FailoverClusterQuorumServerUsageMonitor system Relationships
Relations defined for Cluster
ClusterConfigurationDocumentCompositionRepresents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed
ClusterResource PoolCompositionRepresents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed
DatacenterClusterCompositionRepresents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed
VMware DatacenterClusterCompositionRepresents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed
Relations defined for ApplicationSystem
ApplicationSystemConfigurationDocumentCompositionRepresents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed
Relations defined for InfrastructureElement
BusinessActivityInfrastructureElementUsageMonitor system Relationships
BusinessApplicationInfrastructureElementUsageMonitor system Relationships
BusinessElementInfrastructureElementUsageMonitor system Relationships
BusinessTransactionInfrastructureElementUsageMonitor system Relationships
CiCollectionInfrastructureElementUsageMonitor system Relationships
ClusterResourceConfigInfrastructureElementDependencyrepresents a dependency between 2 objects
ServiceInfrastructureElementUsageMonitor system Relationships
Relations defined for ConfigurationItem
ConfigurationItemKpiCompositionRepresents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed
ConfigurationItemOutageCompositionRepresents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed
ConfigurationItemServiceConnectionPointCompositionRepresents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed
Relations defined for Managed Object
Managed ObjectHistory ChangeHistory Link
TenantManaged ObjectConnection

Combined inheritance and relation diagram for VMware Cluster

Potential Data Providers

Adapters providing CIs of type VMware Cluster
Adapter NameDescriptionAdapter Type
VMware Discovery for HCM via VIMThis job connects to vCenter or VirtualCenter Servers and discovers the basic VMware Infrastructure topology.Discovery
VMware vCenter Topology by VIMAdapter collects Virtual Infrastructure topology information using vCenter Server by VI Management protocol.Discovery
VMware vCenter Topology using URI Endpoint by VIMAdapter collects Virtual Infrastructure topology information using vCenter Server using URI Endpoint by VI Management protocol.Discovery
VMware vROps Topology by WebServicesAdapter discovers the VMware vROps Topology by the vROps API.Discovery
Adapters providing CIs of type FailoverCluster
Adapter NameDescriptionAdapter Type
Storage Devices Topology by SNMPAdapter used for discovery of storage topology via SNMP protocolDiscovery
Adapters providing CIs of type Cluster
Adapter NameDescriptionAdapter Type
MS Cluster TopologyThis adapter discovers Microsoft Cluster architecture by NTCMD.Discovery
Adapters providing CIs of type ConfigurationItem
Adapter NameDescriptionAdapter Type
Import from CSV Imports data from a CSV file into CMDB using mapping of the CSV file columns to CIT attributes. Mapping is defined by the following parameters: ciType: to define the CIT name which you want to create, mappingString: to define the mapping of the CIT attributes to the CSV file columns. Mapping file is used for more complex mapping definitions. Mapping file name is specified by 'mappingFile' parameter.Integration
Import from DB Imports data from an external database into CMDB using mapping of table columns to CIT attributes. Mapping is defined by the following parameters: ciType: to define the CIT name which you want to create, mappingString: to define the mapping of the CIT attributes to the table columns Mapping file is used for more complex mapping definitions. Mapping file name is specified by 'mappingFile' parameter. A SQL 'select' query is generated automatically and selects all columns in specified table, which defined by parameter: tableName In advanced cases you can specify custom SQL query.Integration
Import from properties file Imports data from a Properties file into CMDB, using mapping of the CSV file columns to CIT attributes This mapping is usually defined by the setting adapter parameters: ciType: to define the CIT name which you want to create, mappingString: to define the mapping of the Properties attributes to the CSV file columns In cases you need more complex mapping abilities, such as conversion of the strings contained in Properties file to the appropriate type of CMDB object's attribute, you should use the mapping XML configuration file specified by the mappingFile parameter. Integration
SCCM Installed Software IntegrationThis adapter queries the records from SCCM database and recognizes it as install software by UD SAIIntegration
Import from Excel WorkbookImports data from Excel Workbooks. Parses through multiple worksheet XLS files. Uses 'CIImports.xls' (default) file to import data.Integration
Adapters providing CIs of type Object
Adapter NameDescriptionAdapter Type
AMGenericAdapterThis adapter pushes/populates data between UCMDB and Asset Manager. Follow the Quick Start guide supplied with the AM Generic Adapter documentation before creating this integration point.Integration
APM Push AdapterThis adapter pushes data from UCMDB to HP APM. Follow the APM Push Adapter documentation included in the HP UCMDB Discovery and Integration Content Guide before creating this integration point.Integration
UCMDB API PopulationAllows defining Reconciliation Priority for API Data In flowsIntegration
Data Push into AtriumPushes CIs and relationships to BMC AtriumIntegration
BSM Kpi Adapter (deprecated)Federate KPIs from BSMIntegration
CA CMDBPushes CIs and relationships to CA CMDBIntegration
UCMDB 10.x and laterUsed for Populating and Federating data from a remote UCMDB 10.x(or later) and for Pushing to a remote UCMDB 10.x(or later)Integration
UCMDB 9.x (deprecated)Used for Populating and Federating data from a remote UCMDB 9.x server and for Pushing to a remote UCMDB 9.xIntegration
UCMDB History Adapter [local instance only]Used to federated data from the UCMDB's HistoryIntegration
UCMDB to SaaSUsed for Pushing CIs and Relationships from an on-premises UCMDB 2019.02(or later) to Micro Focus SaaS CMSIntegration
Push Adapter DB ExamplePush data into Oracle \ MSSQL databaseIntegration
GenericDBAdapterAn example Adapter that uses the GDB-FrameworkIntegration
IAM UI Push Adapter (deprecated)Push IAM Universal Inventory data into MSSQL database on-premises or on cloud-based Azure.Integration
Java_Adapter_TemplateAdapter DescriptionIntegration
Kafka Push Adapter 2019.05 (deprecated)Push function for Kafka Push AdapterIntegration
Pulsar Push AdapterPush function for Pulsar Push AdapterIntegration
Push AdapterPush AdapterIntegration
Remedyforce Push IntegrationRemedyforce Push IntegrationIntegration
System Center Configuration ManagerUses the GDB-Framework to Populate and Federate data from a System Center Configuration Manager. The adapter is also backward compatible with the SMS DBIntegration
Service Manager 9.41Discovery Pattern DescriptionIntegration
Service Manager Enhanced Generic AdapterPush and Populate CI data between UCMDB and Service ManagerIntegration
ServiceNow Enhanced Generic AdapterPush, Populate and Federation of CI data between UCMDB and ServiceNowIntegration
UCMDB to XMLExport data into XML from UCMDBIntegration

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