PropertiesSets Schema
PropertiesSets Schema

Glossary Item Box


Types used to specify the data to be returned by a query

Complex Types

Complex TypeDescription
CustomPropertiesA list of the names of the properties to be returned for each item in the query result. The list is the union of the propertiesList and predefinedProperties.
CustomTypedPropertiesA list of the names of the properties to be returned for each item in the query result. The list is the union of the propertiesList and predefinedTypedProperties.
PredefinedPropertiesCollections of names of properties created by the UCMDB according to built-in rules.
PredefinedTypedPropertiesSets of property names generated according to built-in rules, to be used to filter items of a specified type
PropertiesListA list of the names of the properties to be returned for each item in the query result. The list is created by the client application.
QualifierPropertiesA set of qualifier names. The UCMDB creates the set of the properties of the type that have at least one of these qualifiers
SimplePredefinedPropertyA set of property names created using the rule specified by the name element
SimplePredefinedPropertyCollectionA collection of sets of property names created using one of the rules: CONCRETE, DERIVED, or NAMING
SimpleTypedPredefinedPropertyA set of property names created using the rule specified by the name element.They are applied according to the type of the CI or Relation.
SimpleTypedPredefinedPropertyCollectionA collection of sets of properties to be applied according to the type of the CI or Relation
TypedPropertiesA set of properties to apply to items of a specific Configuration Item Type
TypedPropertiesCollectionA collection of sets of properties to apply to items of a specific Configuration Item Type