PropertiesSets Schema
TypedProperties Complex Type
PropertiesSets Schema : TypedProperties Complex Type

Glossary Item Box


A set of properties to apply to items of a specific Configuration Item Type


simpleTypedPredefinedProperties Element qualifierProperties Element Sequence predefinedTypedProperties Element propertyName Element Sequence propertiesList Element Sequence properties Element type Element Sequence TypedProperties Complex Type


A set of properties to apply to items of a specific Configuration Item Type
type xs:string
The class name of the type of item to which the properties are applied
properties CustomTypedProperties Complex Type
A list of properties to be returned for each item in the query result. The list is the union of the propertiesList and predefinedTypedProperties.
propertiesList optional PropertiesList Complex Type
A list of property names
propertyName 1..∞ xs:string
predefinedTypedProperties optional PredefinedTypedProperties Complex Type
Sets of property names generated according to built-in rules, to be used to filter items of a specified type
qualifierProperties optional QualifierProperties Complex Type
The set of properties that are modified with the specifed qualifiers
qualifierName 1..∞ xs:string
The name of a qualifier
simpleTypedPredefinedProperties optional SimpleTypedPredefinedPropertyCollection Complex Type
A collection of sets of properties to be applied according to the type of the CI or Relation
SimpleTypedPredefinedProperty 1..∞ SimpleTypedPredefinedProperty Complex Type
A set of properties to be applied according to the type of the CI or Relation
name Restriction of xs:string
The name of the built-in rule used to create the list of property names

Used By


<xs:complexType name="TypedProperties" xmlns:xs="">
    <xs:documentation>A set of properties to apply to items of a specific Configuration Item Type</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="type" type="xs:string">
          The class name of the type of item to which the properties are applied
    <xs:element name="properties" type="props:CustomTypedProperties">
          A list of properties to be returned for each item in the query result. The list is the union of the propertiesList and predefinedTypedProperties.

See Also