PropertiesSets Schema
CustomProperties Complex Type
PropertiesSets Schema : CustomProperties Complex Type

Glossary Item Box


A list of the names of the properties to be returned for each item in the query result. The list is the union of the propertiesList and predefinedProperties.


simplePredefinedProperty Element Sequence simplePredefinedProperties Element qualifierName Element Sequence qualifierProperties Element Sequence predefinedProperties Element propertyName Element Sequence propertiesList Element Sequence CustomProperties Complex Type


A list of the names of the properties to be returned for each item in the query result. The list is the union of the propertiesList and predefinedProperties.
propertiesList optional PropertiesList Complex Type
A list of property names
propertyName 1..∞ xs:string
predefinedProperties optional PredefinedProperties Complex Type
A list of property names generated by the UCMDB based on built-in rules
qualifierProperties optional QualifierProperties Complex Type
The set of properties that are modified with the specifed qualifiers
qualifierName 1..∞ xs:string
The name of a qualifier
simplePredefinedProperties optional SimplePredefinedPropertyCollection Complex Type
A collection of sets of property names created using one of the rules: CONCRETE, DERIVED, or NAMING.
simplePredefinedProperty 1..∞ SimplePredefinedProperty Complex Type
A set of property names created using a specified rule
name Restriction of xs:string
The name of the built-in rule used to create the list of property names

Used By


<xs:complexType name="CustomProperties" xmlns:xs="">
    <xs:documentation>A list of the names of the properties to be returned for each item in the query result. The list is the union of the propertiesList and predefinedProperties.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="propertiesList" type="props:PropertiesList" minOccurs="0">
          A list of property names
    <xs:element name="predefinedProperties" type="props:PredefinedProperties" minOccurs="0">
          A list of property names generated by the UCMDB based on built-in rules

See Also