Catalog API

Use this API to get information related to catalogs.

Base URL



The URIs in the following tables are appended to the base URL.


A catalog is the collection of services available to a consumer.

URI Method Parameters Description
/catalog GET userIdentifier, scope, detail List catalogs
/catalog/<catalog_id> GET userIdentifier, scope, detail Get catalog details


Categories allow you to classify service offerings in a service catalog.

URI Method Parameters Description
/catalog/<catalog_id>/category POST userIdentifier Create catalog categories
/catalog/<catalog_id>/category/<category_id> PUT userIdentifier Update catalog categories
/catalog/<catalog_id>/category/<category_id> DELETE userIdentifier Delete catalog category


An offering allows you to define service designs that are published to a service catalog.

URI Method Parameters Description
/catalog/<catalog_id>/offering GET userIdentifier, scope, detail, hasApproval List offerings in the catalog
/catalog/<catalog_id>/offering/<offering_id> GET userIdentifier, scope, detail Get offering details


A request is created whenever a user initiates, changes, or deletes a subscription.

URI Method Parameters Description
/catalog/<catalog_id>/request GET userIdentifier, scope, detail, submitter List requests in the catalog
/catalog/<catalog_id>/request POST userIdentifier Submit a request
/catalog/<catalog_id>/request/<request_id> GET userIdentifier, scope, detail Get request details
/catalog/<catalog_id>/request/<request_id>/cancel GET userIdentifier Cancel a request
/catalog/<catalog_id>/request/<request_id> DELETE userIdentifier Retire a request


An approval is created when the approval manager approves a request.

URI Method Parameters Description
/catalog/<catalog_id>/approval GET userIdentifier, scope, detail, approver, returnRetired List approvals in the catalog
/catalog/<catalog_id>/approval/<approval_id> GET userIdentifier, scope, detail Get approval details
/catalog/<catalog_id>/approval/<approval_id> PUT userIdentifier Update approval decision using an external approval system
/catalog/<catalog_id>/approval/<approval_id> DELETE userIdentifier Retire an approval
/catalog/<catalog_id>/approval/<approval_id>/approver PUT userIdentifier Update approval decision using the CSA approval process

Approval policy

URI Method Parameters Description
/catalog/<catalog_id>/policy/<policy_id>/setCatalogApprovalPolicy POST userIdentifier Update catalog approval policies
/catalog/<catalog_id>/policy/<policy_id>/setSOApprovalPolicy POST userIdentifier Update service offerings approval policy


A subscription is created when a consumer requests a service offering and includes all of the options selected by the consumer when the subscription was initiated.

URI Method Parameters Description
/catalog/<catalog_id>/subscription GET userIdentifier, scope, detail, requestor List subscriptions in the catalog
/catalog/<catalog_id>/subscription/<subscription_id> GET userIdentifier, scope, detail Get subscription details

Resource Subscription

URI Method Parameters Description
/catalog/<catalog_id>/resourceSubscription GET userIdentifier, scope, detail Get resource subscription details


An instance is created when a request is approved and includes details about the requested services such as the status of services, IP addresses, etc.

URI Method Parameters Description
catalog/<catalog_id>/instance GET userIdentifier, scope, detail, requestor List instances in the catalog
catalog/<catalog_id>/instance/<instance_id> GET userIdentifier, scope, detail Get instance details