Administer > Configuration > Database Administration > Update the CSA Database System

Update the CSA Database System

If you changed the hostname, domain, IP address, or port of the system on which the database used by CSA is installed, you must update the CSA configuration files that store this information.

  1. Stop the CSA service.

    To stop CSA on Windows, complete the following steps:

    1. On the server that hosts CSA, navigate to Start > Administrative Tools > Services.
    2. Right-click on the CSA service and select Stop.

    3. Right-click on the HPE Marketplace Portal service and select Stop.

    4. If you installed an embedded Operations Orchestration instance, right-click on the HPE Operations Orchestration Central service and select Stop.

    5. If you enabled global search, do the following:

      1. Right-click on the Elasticsearch 1.6.1 service and select Stop. You do not need to stop this service if global search is disabled (by default, global search is disabled).

      2. Right-click on HPE Search Service and select Stop. You do not need to stop this service if global search is disabled (by default, global search is disabled).

    6. If Elasticsearch is enabled (by default, Elasticsearch is enabled; refer to the property in Appendix: Cloud Service Management Console Properties for more information), right-click on the Elasticsearch 1.6.1 service and select Stop.

    To stop CSA on Linux, complete the following steps:

    1. On the server that hosts CSA, type the following commands:

      service csa stop
      service mpp stop
    2. If you installed an embedded Operations Orchestration instance, type:

      <embeddedHPEOOinstallation>/central/bin/central stop

      For example, type: /usr/local/hpe/csa/OO/central/bin/central stop

  2. On the system running CSA, open a command prompt and change to the CSA_HOME/jboss‑as/standalone/configuration directory where

    CSA_HOME is the directory in which CSA is installed

  3. In a text editor, open the standalone.xml file.

  4. In the file, locate the <datasource> element of the CSA database and the system information to be updated. For example:


    <datasource enabled="true" jndi-name="java:jboss/datasources/csaDS" jta="true" pool-name="csaPostgresDS" use-ccm="true" user-java-context="true">

  5. The highlighted text should contain the old fully-qualified domain name, IP address, and/or port that must be updated. Replace this highlighted text with the new fully-qualified domain name, IP address, and/or port.
  6. Save the standalone.xml file.
  7. Restart the CSA service.

    See Restart CSA for instructions.

  8. If you are using a tool (such as the content archive tool, provider tool, purge tool, or schema installation tool) that uses a database or configuration properties file (for example, or, update the appropriate property or properties in the file. By default, the file is located in the CSA_HOME/Tools/<Tool_Name> directory.