Administer > Configuration > Cloud Service Management Console > Rename or Delete the Sample Consumer Organization

Rename or Delete the Sample Consumer Organization

The sample consumer organization can be used by the sample consumer user to experiment with the Marketplace Portal. Customize the sample consumer organization by renaming it. Delete this sample consumer organization (and disable the sample consumer user) if you no longer are using it or if you are moving the application to production.

To rename the sample consumer organization:

  1. Log in to the Cloud Service Management Console and do the following:
    1. Click the Administration tab.
    2. Select the CSA Consumer organization.
    3. In the navigation frame, select General Information.
    4. Update the Organization Display Name.
    5. Click Save.
    6. Look for and remember the Organization Identifier assigned to this organization. This identifier is used to define the default organization accessed by the Marketplace Portal and is assigned the sample users who access the organization.
  2. Define the default organization accessed by the Marketplace Portal (the organization that is accessed by the Marketplace Portal when the Marketplace Portal is launched from a URL that does not specify the organization). Edit the CSA_HOME/portal/conf/mpp.json file and update the defaultOrganizationName attribute's value to the Organization Identifier (where the Organization Identifier is the unique name that CSA assigns to the organization, based on the organization display name (the organization identifier can be found in the General Information section of the Organizations menu of the Cloud Service Management Console)).

  3. Assign the sample users (consumer and consumerAdmin) who access the organization. Edit the CSA_HOME/jboss-as/standalone/deployments/idm-service.war/WEB-INF/classes/ file and replace the existing sample Organization Identifier (for example, CONSUMER) with the one that was assigned in step 1.

    For more information about the sample users defined in the file, see Change CSA Built-In User Accounts.

To delete the sample consumer organization and disable the sample consumer user:

  1. Log in to the Cloud Service Management Console and delete the sample consumer organization in the General Information page of the Administration area.

    Note To delete an organization, it must not have any active catalogs.

  2. Edit the CSA_HOME/portal/conf/mpp.json file. Update the defaultOrganizationName attribute's value if it is set to CONSUMER. Set the value to an existing consumer organization's Organization Identifier where the Organization Identifier is the unique name that CSA assigns to the organization, based on the organization display name (the organization identifier can be found in the General Information section of the Organizations menu of the Cloud Service Management Console). The defaultOrganizationName attribute defines the organization that is accessed by the Marketplace Portal when the Marketplace Portal is launched from a URL that does not specify the organization.

  3. Edit the CSA_HOME/jboss-as/standalone/deployments/idm-service.war/WEB-INF/classes/ file. Update the Consumer property to disable this user account. For example, set Consumer to the following encrypted value: cloud,SERVICE_CONSUMER,ROLE_REST,disabled.

    See Encrypt a password for instructions about how to encrypt this value.