Unsupported HTML Notification Functionality

The following HTML notification functionality is not supported:

  • It is not possible to create email templates specific for each version of a service design. For example, if a service design called "Simple vCenter Compute" has two or more versions, only a single email template can be created to be used by all the versions of this service design.

  • Custom HTML notifications are not available for transfer of services, service instance upgrades or for services that have paused on failure. Legacy text notifications will be sent.
  • Subject lines cannot be customized.

  • Mails that are triggered by Notification API calls will be sent as legacy text notifications.

  • Operations Orchestration flows that send notifications will not be sent in HTML format.
  • HTML notifications will not be sent for approvals that may be configured for Public actions.

  • Notifications will not be sent for Request Failure emails.

  • Subscriber inputs will not be displayed in Approval Required email notifications.