Install PostgreSQL

For more information on installing PostgreSQL, see the Cloud Service Automation System and Software Support Matrix Guide for a list of supported database versions.

Guides are available on the HPE Software Support web site at: (this site requires a Passport ID). Select Dashboards > Manuals.

Install the database according to the manufacturer’s documentation. Database installation is typically done in partnership with a database administrator.

Configure PostgreSQL

Note: Complete the following tasks before CSA is installed. Work with the database administrator to complete the following tasks (or see the manufacturer’s documentation for more information).

Caution The username cannot contain more than one dollar sign symbol ($). For example, c$adb is a valid name but c$$adb and c$ad$b are not valid names.

Configure PostgreSQL Users and Database (Required)

  1. Log on to PostgreSQL server as the postgres user (or another user that can create users and databases) using your favorite sql editor, for example using psql: psql -U postgres
  2. Create a CSA database user (for example, csadbuser). This user should inherit rights from parent roles:

    create user csadbuser login password '<csadbuser_password>' inherit;

    Provide this database username and password when prompted for the CSA , OO and the Identity Management component database information during the installation or upgrade of CSA.

  3. (Optional) Create a reporting read-only user. The user is needed only if you want to use the reporting capabilities of CSA:

    create user csareportingdbuser login password '<csareportingdbuser_password>' inherit;

    If you configure this user, you must provide this user's username and password when prompted for the CSA reporting database user during the installation of CSA.

  4. Create a new database for CSA (for example, csadb) with owner csadbuser.

    create database csadb with owner=csadbuser;

    Optionally, if you want to use reporting functionality, allow csareportingdbuser to connect to the csadb database:

    grant connect on database csadb to csareportingdbuser;

  5. (Optional - needed only if you want to install embeddedOO) Create a database for embedded Operations Orchestration (for example, csaoodb).

    See the Operations Orchestration Database Guide for more information about database requirements for Operations Orchestration.

    create database oodb with owner=csadbuser;

  6. Create a new database for the Identity Management component.

    create database idmdb with owner=csadbuser;

  7. Create a new database for the Workflow Designer component.

    create database ooddb with owner=csadbuser;

  8. (Optional post install step) Grant read-only access for a reporting user. It is needed only if you want to use the reporting user.

    This step has to be processed after the installation is finished, because database tables and views have to be created prior to running this command.

    1. Connect to the csadb database. For example if you are using psql, use following statement:

      \connect csadb

    2. Grant read-only access for the reporting user with this command:

      grant select on all tables in schema public to csareportingdbuser;