Install > Installation > Install and Configure Remote Console Service

Install and Configure Remote Console Service

To provide the remote console access to subscribers for the provisioned servers, CSA remote console service should be installed and configured. A separate installer is provided for remote console service installation. Remote console service is supported only on CentOS platform and is not part of CSA installer.

The following diagram is a sample deployment architecture that demonstrates all the CSA components, which are CSA-Controller (CSA-C), Identity Management component (IDM), Marketplace Portal (MPP), and Remote Console Service (RCS). In this architecture, CSA-C, IDM and MPP are running on a single server and RCS is running on a different server. RCS has network access to MPP and also to the provisioned servers on different networks.

Installation through the Install Script


  1. A separate machine with CentOS 6.8 installed.
  2. Accessible Internet connection.

To install the remote console:

  1. Log on as the root user.
  2. Update the CentOS with the latest package. To do this, execute the following command:

    sudo yum update

    Note If the sudo yum update fails, then check the proxy related environment variables. Make sure the proxy settings are correct before proceeding with the installation.

  3. Create the following user credentials:

    Steps to configure the user and user credentials Commands
    a. Create a user group hpegwrcs

    groupadd hpegwrcs

    adduser hpegwuser

    usermod -aG hpegwrcs hpegwuser

    usermod -aG wheel hpegwuser

    usermod -aG root hpegwuser

    id hpegwuser

    chown hpegwuser:hpegwrcs \ /home/hpegwuser/

    b. Create a user hpegwuser

    c. Add hpegwuser to hpegwrcs group:

    d. Add hpegwuser to wheel group
    e. Add hpegwuser to root group
    f. Check the user details (display group details)
    g. Change the ownership of /home/hpegwuser
    h. Set the user password passwd hpegwuser
  4. Grant permissions to hpegwuser user:
    1. Add the following entries to /etc/sudoers at the end of the file:

      hpegwuser ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

      hpegwuser ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL

      hpegwuser ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service /sbin/start-stop-daemon *

      Defaults env_keep += "HTTP_PROXY HTTPS_PROXY FTP_PROXY"

      Defaults env_keep += "http_proxy https_proxy ftp_proxy"

  5. Log off as the root user.
  6. Run the remote console installer:
    1. Log on as hpegwuser.
    2. Copy hpecsarcs_centos-4.8.tar.gz to /home/hpegwuser.

      Note hpecsarcs_centos-4.8.tar.gz is available for download in the file repository at the following location:


    3. Untar hpecsarcs_centos-4.8.tar.gz file:

      tar -xvzf hpecsarcs_centos-4.8.tar.gz

      This creates a directory hpecsarcs_centos-4.8.

  7. Install HPE’s remote console service:
    1. Go to the directory /home/hpegwuser/hpecsarcs_centos-4.8/
    2. Configure the file for the following values:

      Input property file parameters
      Property: ValueDescription
      guacd-port: 4822Default Port at which Guacamole server is running (non-configurable).
      rdp-port: 3389RDP port number (configurable).
      ssh-port: 22SSH port number (configurable).
      vnc-port: 5900VNC port number (configurable).
      auth-user: adminUser name for the Guacamole log in.

      Password for the Guacamole log in. This is only for RCS internal use. The password is either blank or plain text.

      Note This property is:

      1. blank if you do not enter a password manually in the file before executing script. In this case, you will be prompted to enter the password while executing script. This password gets encrypted and saved in the /home/hpegwuser/.guacamole/ file.
      2. plain text if you enter a password manually in the file before executing script. In this case, you will NOT be asked to enter the password while executing script. As part of execution this password is encrypted and copied to /home/hpegwuser/.guacamole/ file.
      3. Weak Password - If you have manually entered a password in the file which does not match the password strength criteria, you are prompted to re-enter the password during execution of script

      The encryption is done using the PasswordUtil tool available in /home/hpegwuser/hpecsarcs_centos-4.8/webapp/lib.

      The command for encrypting password is:

      java -cp passwordUtil-standalone.jar "<<sample password>>"

      where, <<sample password>> is the Guacamole password that you enter before encryption. This password should comply with the following password strength cafeteria:

      A minimum of 8 characters and at most X characters

      A minimum of 1 upper case letter (A-Z)

      A minimum of 1 lower case letter (a-z)

      A minimum of 1 non-alphanumeric character (For example: #, $, %)

      A minimum of 1 number (0-9)

      socket-timeout: 15000This is the socket timeout in milliseconds, to connect the socket (configurable).
      api-session-timeout: 15Time in minutes to keep the guacamole session alive (configurable).
      mac-timeout: 30Time in minutes, to keep the HMAC code valid (configurable).
    3. Run the following command to grant execute permissions to script:

      chmod 777

    4. Run the script:

      sudo sh --file

    5. Enter the password for Remote Console Service (RCS) user.
    6. Enter Y if prompted for any download.
    7. Select the option that provides 1.8.0 JVM version.

      For example:


  8. After the installation is complete, check the service status of hpercs and guacd by entering the following commands:
    1. sudo service hpercs status
    2. sudo service guacd status

    If hpercs or guacd have stopped running, restart them. To do this, enter the following commands:

    1. sudo service hpercs restart
    2. sudo service guacd restart
  9. To reflect bashrc changes execute the following command:

    source ~/.bashrc

Note The guacamole configurable properties are available in /home/hpegwuser/.guacamole/ file.

Note The installer log file is available in the directory /home/hpegwuser/hpecsarcs_centos-4.8/

The filename format is rcs-0.9.9.DD-YY-MON.log

where: DD is the date, YY is the last two digits of the year, and MON is the month.

For example: rcs-installer- and rcs-Uninstall-0.9.9-20-16-Dec.log.

The default guacamole URL will not be accessible directly from the browser.

Configure SSL for Remote Console Service

Configuring SSL certificate is a mandatory step for correct functioning of hpercs service.

To configure SSL for remote console service:

Note The location of $CATALINA_HOME is /opt/hpercs.

  1. Log on as the hpegwuser user.
  2. Create a directory with the name certs at the location $CATALINA_HOME/conf and change the directory to certs:

    sudo mkdir certs

    cd certs

  3. Generate Keystore using keytool.
    1. Create a self-signed certificate by typing the following command (do not use copy and paste to duplicate the command):

      sudo $JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/keytool -genkey -alias guacamole -keyalg RSA \

      -validity 365 -keystore rcs.keystore

      Note If there are problems encountered due to incorrect Java path, execute the following commands:

      • Set the correct JAVA_HOME using the following commands:

        export JAVA_HOME=`readlink -f /usr/bin/java | sed "s:/jre/bin/java::"`

        export PATH="$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin"

      • Set the correct CATALINA_HOME using the command:

        export CATALINA_HOME="/opt/hpercs"

      Note The certificate is valid for a default period of 90 days. To customize the validity period use the following command:

      validity <number of days>

    2. Enter the following details:
      1. Enter the keystore password. The password must be at least 6 characters in length.
      2. Enter the first and last name details. It can be either an ipaddress or a domainname.
      3. Enter the name of organizational unit. For example, CSA..
      4. Enter the name of organization. For example, HPCSA.
      5. Enter the name of your City or Locality. For example, BLR.
      6. Enter the name of your State or Province. For example, KA.
      7. Enter the two-letter country code for this unit. For example, IN.
    3. You are prompted to confirm if the entered details are correct. Verify and enter Yes.

  4. Edit the hpercs configuration file:
    1. Stop hpercs service. To do this, execute the following command:

      sudo service hpercs stop

    2. Edit $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml
    3. Configure SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443.

      To do this, identify the SSL Connector element in the server.xml file.

      For example:

      <Connector port="8443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true"

      maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true"



      clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" />


      keystorePass is the password you assigned to your keystore using the “keytool” command.

      keystoreFile is location of the generated keystore file. The location of generated keystore file is ${catalina.home}/conf/certs/rcs.keystore.

    4. Restart hpercs service. To do this, execute the following command:

      sudo service hpercs restart

    Note The remote console can be opened from the Marketplace Portal. If you encounter a browser certificate error while accessing remote console, then execute the following step.

  5. Install the HPE CSA Remote Console Service Self-Signed certificate.
    1. In Internet Explorer
      1. Click the Certificate Error area next to the browsers address bar.
      2. In the Certificate Invalid window displayed, click the View certificates link.
      3. In the Certificate window displayed, click Install Certificate and then click Next.
      4. Select Place all certificates in the following store, then click Browse.
      5. Select Show physical stores check box.
      6. Select Trusted Root Certificate Authorities –> Local Computer and click OK.
      7. Click Next -> Finish -> OK
      8. Restart the Internet Explorer.
    2.  In Google Chrome

      Export the certificate in to the browser, to do this:

      1. Open Google Chrome.
      2. On the site that you want to add, right-click the red lock icon in the address bar.
      3. From the drop-down click the Details link. Security Overview pane opens.
      4. Click View Certificate. The Certificate window opens.
      5. Click the Details tab.
      6. Click Copy to File... button. It opens the Certificate Export Wizard.
      7. Click Next.
      8. Select DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER) export file format.
      9. Click Next.
      10. Click Browse...and save the file to your computer and name it.
      11. Click Next, then click Finish

      Import certificate, to do this:

      1. Open Google Chrome. Open the menu at the top right corner and select Settings.
      2. Scroll down and click Show advanced settings….
      3. Go to HTTP/SSL and click Manage certificates.
      4. Click Trusted Root Certification Authorities tab.
      5. Click Import to start the Certificate Import Wizard.
      6. Click Next.
      7. Browse to your Exported certificate file and click Next.
      8. Select Place all certificates in the following store.
      9. Click Next, then click Finish.

      Restart Chrome, to do this:

      1. Type chrome://restart in the address bar.
      2. Press Enter.

The following block diagram shows the remote console service configuration based on components:

Configure Remote Console Service in CSA

To configure the remote console service in CSA server:

Note These configuration steps should be followed for all master and slave CSA nodes if CSA is running in a clustered environment.

  1. Stop the CSA service HPE Cloud Service Automation. To do this:

    On Windows:

    Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services, right-click on the HPE Cloud Service Automation, and select Stop.

    On Linux:

    Run the command: service csa stop

  2. Configure the following properties available in HPE\CSA\jboss-as\standalone\deployments\csa.war\WEB-INF\classes\ file:

    Property Description
    server.hostName Map IP Address (example: ip, ipaddr) field name used at the time of creating customized designs.
    server.ipAddress Map IP Address (example: ip, ipaddr) field name used at the time of creating customized designs.
    rcs.sharedKey Copy the value of rcs.sharedKey present in the /home/hpegwuser/.guacamole/ file from the remote console service server.
  3. Start the CSA service HPE Cloud Service Automation. To do this:

    On Windows:

    Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services, right-click on the HPE Cloud Service Automation, and select Start.

    On Linux:

    Run the command: service csa start

Modify Remote Console Service default configurations

You can modify the default configuration for Remote Console Service. To do this, modify the following file:

/home/hpegwuser/.guacamole/ file parameters
Property: Value Description
guacd-port: 4822 Default Port at which Guacamole server is running (non-configurable).
rdp-port: 3389 RDP port number (configurable).
ssh-port: 22 SSH port number (configurable).
vnc-port: 5900 VNC port number (configurable).
auth-user: admin User name for the Guacamole log in.

Password for the Guacamole log in. This is only for RCS internal use. The password is either blank or plain text.

Note This property is:

  1. blank if you do not enter a password manually in the file before executing script. In this case, you will be prompted to enter the password while executing script. This password gets encrypted and saved in the /home/hpegwuser/.guacamole/ file.
  2. plain text if you enter a password manually in the file before executing script. In this case, you will NOT be asked to enter the password while executing script. As part of execution this password is encrypted and copied to /home/hpegwuser/.guacamole/ file.
  3. Weak Password - If you have manually entered a password in the file which does not match the password strength criteria, you are prompted to re-enter the password during execution of script

The encryption is done using the PasswordUtil tool available in /home/hpegwuser/hpecsarcs_centos-4.8/webapp/lib.

The command for encrypting password is:

java -cp passwordUtil-standalone.jar "<<sample password>>"

where, <<sample password>> is the Guacamole password that you enter before encryption. This password should comply with the following password strength cafeteria:

A minimum of 8 characters and at most X characters

A minimum of 1 upper case letter (A-Z)

A minimum of 1 lower case letter (a-z)

A minimum of 1 non-alphanumeric character (For example: #, $, %)

A minimum of 1 number (0-9)


Secret shared key. This is a shared key for secured communication between remote console service and Marketplace Portal.

This key should be copied to file on CSA Controller.

For Example


socket-timeout: 15000 This is the socket timeout in milliseconds, to connect the socket (configurable).
api-session-timeout: 15 Time in minutes to keep the guacamole session alive (configurable).
mac-timeout: 30 Time in minutes, to keep the HMAC code valid (configurable).

This is the RCS URL.

Example: https://<fqdn>:<port>

Restart hpercs and guacd services. To do this, execute the following commands:

  1. sudo service hpercs restart
  2. sudo service guacd restart

Modify Marketplace Portal default configuration for remote console service

To configure the remote console service in Marketplace Portal:

Note If there are multiple instances of Marketplace Portal installed. Then all the installed Marketplace Portal instances should be configured for remote console service.

  1. Stop the Marketplace Portal service . To do this:

    On Windows:

    Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services, right-click on the hpemarketplaceportal, and select Stop.

    On Linux:

    Run the command: service mpp stop

  2. Configure the following properties available in mpp.json file at the location CSA_HOME\portal\conf\mpp.json:

    Note Only the following properties should be configured in the mpp.json file.

    Property Description

    This property is used to enable or disable the remote console service. When set to "true" it enables the remote console service. By default it is enabled, that is, it is set to "true".

    When this property is enabled, the console button is displayed for the server component.


    This is the remote console service URL.

    Example: https://<rcsHost>:<rcsPort>

    For example:

    "remoteConsoleProvider": {

    "enabled": true,

    "url": "<rcs url>:<rcs port>" ,


  3. Start the Marketplace Portal service. To do this:

    On Windows:

    Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services, right-click on the hpemarketplaceportal, and select Start.

    On Linux:

    Run the command: service mpp start

    Note After the installation and configuration of remote console service, the open console button will be available for all the server components on the Service details page on the Marketplace Portal for all subscriptions.