Install > Post-installation tasks > What's next?

What's next?

You have completed the initial installation and configuration of CSA and can begin familiarizing yourself with the capabilities of CSA.

  • Launch the Cloud Service Management Console (type the following URL in a supported Web browser: https://<csahostname>:8444/csa) and log on using the out-of-the-box user (admin) and password (cloud).
  • Launch the default Marketplace Portal (type the following URL in a supported Web browser: https://<csahostname>:8444/mpp) and log on using the out-of-the-box user (consumer) and password (cloud).

Global Search

NoteGlobal Search (i.e. elasticsearch) is turned on by default in CSA 4.80.0002. After installing CSA and creating CSA content ( Create Offerings, Services, and so on.) the global search window should be visible and functioning properly.

Install a new Operations Orchestration license

After 90 days, the Operations Orchestration license that is packaged with CSA expires and prompts you to install a new license.

You must contact HPE Customer Support to acquire the new license. After HPE Customer Support provides you with a new Operations Orchestration license, download it to your system.

To install your new Operations Orchestration license:

  1. Log on to Operations Orchestration.
  2. Click System Configuration on the left pane.
  3. Click the System Settings tab.
  4. On the License tab, click the Install License button.
  5. You are prompted to select the license file. Browse to the path in which you downloaded and installed the license file and select it.
  6. Click OK.

The Operations Orchestration license is now installed.

Configure CSA

To complete the configuration of CSA, see the following:

  • The CSA configuration section describes the process for preparing LDAP for the Cloud Service Management Console and for consumer organizations, requesting software licenses, configuring secure connections, customizing the Cloud Service Management Console, configuring CSA to be compliant with FIPS 140-2, and performing other CSA customizations. It also describes the process of how to import the sample Operations Orchestration flows included with CSA.

  • The cluster configuration section describes how to configure the nodes in your clustered environment if you are using an Apache Web server or load balancer.

  • CSA/Codar Content at a Glance Guide: This section describes how to install and configure resource providers (such as Matrix OE, VMware vCenter, SiteScope, Universal CMDB, and Server Automation), how to deploy the sample Operations Orchestration flows included with CSA, how to deploy the sample resource offerings and service designs included with CSA that target these resource providers, and includes additional documentation on each of the out-of-the-box resource offerings and service designs. If you installed the additional provider integration service designs, components, and content during installation, the sample Operations Orchestration flows, resource offerings, and service designs have been deployed.

When you have completed the initial installation and configuration of the Marketplace Portal, you can begin familiarizing yourself with the capabilities of the Marketplace Portal.

Launch the default Marketplace Portal (type the following URL in a supported Web browser: https://<csahostname>:8444/mpp) and log on using the out-of-the-box user (consumer) and password (cloud).

For more information about the Marketplace Portal, see the online help.