Upgrade > Pre-upgrade tasks > Initial Setup

Initial Setup

Before you run the upgrade installer, the following steps must be completed.

  1. The following files must be manually backed up outside of Windows: %CSA_HOME%; or Linux: $CSA_HOME (these files are not automatically restored nor backed up by the upgrade installer):

    • Windows: <csa_jre>\lib\security\; and <csa_jre>\lib\security\ .
    • Linux: < csa_jre>/lib/security/cacerts; and <csa_jre>/lib/security/java.security .
    • The keystore file defined by the certificate-key-file property of the connector attribute in Windows: %CSA_HOME%\jboss-as\standalone\configuration\standalone.xml; or Linux: $CSA_HOME/jboss-as/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml if you are not using the default keystore file (the default keystore file, Windows: %CSA_HOME%\jboss-as\standalone\configuration\.keystoreLinux: $CSA_HOME/jboss-as/standalone/configuration/.keystore, is automatically backed up and restored)

    • Any .jar files used by dynamic query scripts.

    • Any Java server page (.jsp) files created for the CSA dashboard and saved in a directory within the 4.6x or 4.7x CSA installation but not in a directory whose content is backed up by the upgrade installer (the directory where the Cloud Service Management Console expects to find these files is defined in the Windows:%CSA_HOME%\jboss-as\standalone\deployments\csa.war\dashboard\;or Linux:$CSA_HOME/jboss-as/standalone/deployments/csa.war/dashboard/config.json configuration file).

  2. You MUST back up all files that you have created, customized, or manually installed in the Windows: %CSA_HOME%; or Linux: $CSA_HOME installation directory that are not automatically restored or backed up by the upgrade installer (see Customized Files Affected by the Upgrade for a list of customized files and the action performed during the upgrade). These files should be backed up outside of Windows: %CSA_HOME% ; or Linux: $CSA_HOME.

    Caution You MUST back up all files that you have customized with undocumented changes in the Windows: %CSA_HOME% ; or Linux:$CSA_HOME installation directory. Files with undocumented customizations may not be backed up and must be manually restored.

    You must back up these files to preserve them. While the upgrade installer will back up some files and directories, it does not back up all files and directories. If the upgrade installer fails before it backs up the selected files and directories, these files and directories may be deleted or corrupted.

    Examples of files that you may have created, customized, or manually installed that may not be automatically backed up include custom graphic files, Oracle JDBC drivers, and jar files used by custom widgets or dynamic query scripts.

    Note If you are not sure what files may have been created, customized, or manually installed in the CSA installation directory, back up the entire Windows: %CSA_HOME%; or Linux: $CSA_HOME directory.

    Caution Back up files outside of the CSA installation directory (Windows:%CSA_HOME%;or Linux:$CSA_HOME). The existing CSA installation directory and all of its contents are deleted during upgrade.

    Caution Do not remove any directories in Windows:%CSA_HOME% ; or Linux: $CSA_HOME. Doing so may cause the upgrade to fail.

  3. Back up the database. If you have not already done so, back up the database used by CSA4.6x or 4.7x

    Caution If the upgrade installer fails, the database may be corrupted.

  4. If it exists, back up the registry file (outside of Windows: %CSA_HOME%). ;or Linux: $CSA_HOME). The registry file name and location is:

    Windows: C:\Program Files\Zero G Registry\.com.zerog.registry.xml

    Linux: /home/csauser/.com.zerog.registry.xml or /var/.com.zerog.registry.xml

    Caution If the upgrade installer fails, the registry file may be corrupted or deleted.

  5. If you mounted a file system within the CSA installation directory (for example, within $CSA_HOME), you must unmount the file system. The upgrade installer cannot remove the mounted file system during the upgrade.

    Caution The upgrade will fail if you do not unmount the file system.

  6. The user should ensure that there are no files owned by the root in the Operations Orchestration installation folder or in any sub-folder. If there are any such files, you should change the ownership and group to match the ownership and group of the other files. For example, If files with root ownership exist, then the upgrade will fail, destroying the Operations Orchestration installation without the possibility to rollback the changes.

  7. Create a database instance and user for the embedded Operations Orchestration:

    1. PostgreSQL: Log in to psql as the postgres user. Enter the following:

      psql -h localhost -U postgres -d template1

      When prompted, enter the password for the postgres user.

    2. Perform the following steps:

      1. Create a schema for the embedded Operations Orchestration by creating a database user (for example, csaoodbuser).
      2. Grant the following privileges to the user:
        • CONNECT
        • CREATE VIEW
        • CREATE TABLE

      For example, run the following commands to create the csaoodbuser user:

      Create user csaoodbuser identified by csaoodbuser default tablespace system temporary tablespace temp quota unlimited on system account unlock;
      Grant CONNECT to csaoodbuser;

      You must provide this database username and password when prompted for the Operations Orchestration database information during the installation or upgrade of CSA.

      Create an Operations Orchestration database user (for example, csaoodbuser). The Operations Orchestration database user, used by the embedded Operations Orchestration, is required. This user should inherit rights from parent roles and have superuser privileges.

      From the psql prompt, enter the following:

      create role csaoodbuser login password '<csaoodbuser_password>' superuser inherit;

      This is the user to whom you will grant access to the Operations Orchestration database when you create this database.

    3. Work with the database administrator to create a database that is used by the embedded Operations Orchestration. Refer to the Operations Orchestration Database Guide for more information about database requirements for Operations Orchestration.

      You must provide the service (global database) name of this database when prompted for the Operations Orchestration database information during the installationupgrade of CSA.

      1. Create a new database for Operations Orchestration (for example, csaoodb).

        As of the release date of the CSA software (listed at the top of this guide), the mandatory database options for the Microsoft SQL Server for Operations Orchestration are:

        • Allow Snapshot Isolation: True
        • Is Read Committed Snapshot On: True
        • Auto Shrink: False
        • Auto Create Statistics: True

        Caution You should verify the latest mandatory options and follow the instructions in the Operations Orchestration Database Guide when creating the Operations Orchestration database.

      2. Create a new user for the Operations Orchestration database (for example, csaoodbuser) with the following roles. You can use the existing database login you created for the CSA database (for example, csadbuser) or you may create a new database login for the Operations Orchestration database (for example, csaoodbuser).

        • db_datareader
        • db_datawriter
        • db_owner

        For example, run the following commands to create the csaoodbuser login and user with the specified roles:

        Microsoft SQL Server 2012

        USE csaoodb;
        CREATE LOGIN csaoodbuser WITH PASSWORD = '<csaoodbuser_password>';
        CREATE USER csaoodbuser FOR LOGIN csaoodbuser;
        ALTER ROLE db_datareader ADD MEMBER csaoodbuser;
        ALTER ROLE db_datawriter ADD MEMBER csaoodbuser;
        ALTER ROLE db_owner ADD MEMBER csaoodbuser;

      3. Create a new database for Operations Orchestration. Grant the Operations Orchestration database user all rights to this database. Refer to the Operations Orchestration Database Guide for more information about database requirements for Operations Orchestration.

      Caution The database name

      cannot contain more than one dollar sign symbol ($). For example, c$adb is a valid name but c$$adb and c$ad$b are not valid names.

      For example, if you create a database named csaoodb and an Operations Orchestration user named csaoodbuser, from the psql prompt, enter the following commands:

      create database csaoodb with owner=csaoodbuser connection limit=-1;
      grant all on database csaoodb to csaoodbuser;

      You must provide this database name, database username, and user's password when prompted for the Operations Orchestration database information during the installationupgrade of CSA.

    4. PostgreSQL: Exit psql. From the psql prompt, enter the following:


    You must provide this database instance, username, and password when prompted for the Operations Orchestration database configuration during the upgrade of CSA.

  8. Stop CSA

Run the below SQL statements in IdM database of SQL server only:


Before upgrading to CSA 4.80.0002 for Windows, you need to navigate to Windows Services and stop the following services:

  • Elasticsearch
  • HPE Marketplace Portal
  • HPE Search


  1. Open a command prompt and navigate to %CSA_HOME%\jboss-as\bin.
  2. Run the following command:

    jboss-cli.bat --connect command=:shutdown

  3. Close the command prompt.
  4. Navigate to Start > Administrative Tools > Services.

  5. Right-click on each service and select Stop.

  6. Close the Control Panel.


  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. Run the following commands:

    service csa stop
    service mpp stop

  3. Close the command prompt.

  1. Verify that you have upgraded to the latest versions of software components required for CSA version 4.80.0002. For example, for some resource providers, you may need to install a hotfix or service pack. See the Cloud Service Automation System and Software Support Matrix for the latest versions of software components required for CSA version 4.80.0002.
  2. Install Operations Orchestration to the correct version and patch level. See Cloud Service Automation System and Software Support Matrix for version requirements.

  3. If you have upgraded Operations Orchestration, you may need to upgrade your content packs. Refer to the Operations Orchestration release notes for more information.

  4. Complete this step for Operations Orchestration 10.50 only.

    Export Operations Orchestration's certificate from Operations Orchestration's truststore and, if Operations Orchestration and CSA are not installed on the same system, copy the certificate to the CSA system. This certificate will be imported into CSA's truststore by the CSA installer. TLS must be configured between CSA and Operations Orchestration.

    For example, do the following:

    1. On the system running Operations Orchestration, open a command prompt and change to the directory where Operations Orchestration is installed.
    2. Run the following command:

      .\java\bin\keytool -export -alias tomcat -file C:\oo.crt -keystore .\Central\var\security\key.store -storepass changeit

      ./java/bin/keytool -export -alias tomcat -file /tmp/oo.crt -keystore ./Central/var/security/key.store -storepass changeit

      where C:\oo.crt and /tmp/oo.crt are examples of filenames and locations used to store the exported root certificate (you can choose a different filename and location).

    3. If Operations Orchestration is not running on the same system as CSA, copy oo.crt from the Operations Orchestration system to the system running CSA.
  5. Export the certificate from the truststore of Operations Orchestration as it is needed during the upgrade process. Do the following:

    1. Open a command prompt and navigate to a directory outside of Windows: %CSA_HOME%; or Linux:$CSA_HOME and the embedded Operations Orchestration installation (for example, the embedded Operations Orchestration may be installed in C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Operations Orchestration\) in which you will store the certificate file (for example, create the directory C:\tmp and store the certificate file in this directory).

    2. Run the following command:

      Windows: "<csa_jre>\bin\keytool" ‑exportcert ‑keystore "C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Operations Orchestration\central\var\security\key.store" ‑alias tomcat ‑file .\<filename> -storepass changeit

      Linux: $CSA_JRE_HOME/bin/keytool ‑exportcert ‑keystore /usr/local/hpe/csa/OO/central/var/security/key.store ‑alias tomcat ‑file ./<filename> -storepass changeit

      <CSA_JRE_HOME> or $CSA_JRE_HOME is the directory in which the JRE that is used by CSA is installed.

      where <filename> is a unique filename given to the certificate file that will be imported into CSA version 4.80.0002 later during the upgrade process.

  1. Close all instances of Windows Explorer and any command prompts, and exit all programs that are running on the system.

    Caution The upgrade will fail if any program is accessing a CSA file or directory.