Use > Sequenced Designs > Resource Offerings > Custom resource offering properties > Create custom properties

Create custom properties

To create a custom property for an offering, in the Offerings tab, select the offering. In the offering's Properties tab, click Create. Enter the following information in the Create Property wizard:

Item Description
Property Type

Select one of the following:

  • Boolean — A property whose value is true or false.
  • List — A property whose value is a list of String values.
  • Integer — A property whose value is a positive or negative whole number or zero.
  • String — A property whose value is a sequence of characters.

You cannot edit this value after the property has been created.

Property Details

For Boolean properties:

  • Name — A unique name for the property.
  • Display Name — The display name for the property.
  • Description — A description of the property.
  • Property Value — Select true or false.

For List properties:

  • Name — A unique name for the property.
  • Display Name — The display name for the property.
  • Description — A description of the property.
  • Value Entry Method — Select Manual Entry to provide Specified Values for this field, as described below.
  •  Specified Values — Click the Add Value icon to add a new value, or click the Remove Selected Value(s) icon to remove a selected value.

For Integer properties:

  • Name — A unique name for the property.
  • Display Name — The display name for the property.
  • Description — A description of the property.
  • Property Value — Select or type a positive or negative whole number or zero. If you enter a decimal number, the value will be truncated to the nearest integer. The maximum allowed integer value is 2147483647 and the minimum is —2147483648; if you enter a value outside these bounds the value will be automatically converted to the closest maximum or minimum value.

For String properties:

  • Name — A unique name for the property.
  • Display Name — The display name for the property.
  • Description — A description of the property.
  • Property Value — Type a string of characters.
  • Confidential Data — Select this box to mask the values so that they cannot be read in the user interface; no encryption of the value is performed.