Use > Marketplace Portal > Services > My Services > Browse My Services

Browse My Services

You can browse services in the My Services view.This view displays a list of services that have a certain status, such as Online, Reserved, Deploying, Transitioning, Modifying, Modify Failed, Failed, Offline, Cancelling, Cancellation Failed, Expiring, Expiration Failed, Upgrading, Upgrade Failed, and Public Action Failed.

Health status icons will be displayed for services that are online. Health status and capacity information is displayed for active subscriptions and services if the CSA administrator has it configured.

Tip Click the magnifying glass to find a certain subscribed service by a meaningful keyword. Search results display in the My Services view.

To browse your services

  1. In the Dashboard, in the More Actions sections, select the My Services tile to open the My Services view.

    By default, all services are displayed in date order, with the newest services listed first.

  2. Scroll up or down the list to browse services.

  3. (Optional) Use the Search tool to browse services by keyword or the filters to browse certain types of services.
  4. When you find a service that you are interested in, select its icon or name to display the My Service Details view. When there are multiple versions of a service offering, the version number displays in parenthesis next to the name of the offering in the My Service Details view.